Vice President Inaugurates National Conference opn Divine Medicinal Plants, Plants Based Medicinal Products, Panchgavya and Their Role in Integrated Rural Development


New Delhi February 24, 2014:- The Vice President of India Shri M. Hamid Ansari
 inaugurated National Conference on Divine Medicinal Plants, Plants based Medicinal Products, Panchgavya and their role in Integrated Rural Development” jointly organised by Council for Development of Rural Areas and Council of Scientific & Industrial Research here today. Addressing on the occasion, he said that this conference is not only an educational conference to discuss these issues but inspires us to adopt indigenous health related products.


He said that Herbal products were in use in our country since centuries. Even people in ancient civilizations and living in forests were using Herbal products for health related purposes. It is the nature of living beings to adopt such natural products for good health.


The Vice President said that if we treat a disease in its initial stage with the help of indigenous health related products, it is an effective preventive measure.  The beneficial botanical products and herbs are available in plenty and we have to make these products available to the common people. These products are not only good for their health but quite cheaper in price also.


He opined that we should take advantage of the novel researches in medical sciences worldwide and apply that knowledge in upgrading and innovation of traditional Indian health system. He wished the conference good success.