Chemistry Frontiers 2019


Scholars Conferences  is an umbrella Organization where proudly announces here to bringing forth “Scholars International Conferences Frontiers in Chemistry and Drug Discovery”  the one which is going  to be held at Madrid, Spain during the month on December 02-03, 2019 around the theme:Enlightening the Advancements and Exploring the New Horizons in Chemistry and Drug Discovery

The ultimate aim of Scholars Conferences is to gather all Academics, Business and industrial people in the field of chemistry and drug discovery throughout the globe where one can expose their research work among eminent people and it is a great platform one need to utilize.

Chemistry Frontiers 2019 Conference is representing more than 150+ chemists from more than 20 Member Societies and other chemistry related organisations. The conference consists of 20+ innovative scientific sessions in the field of chemistry and drug discovery, where you can deal with latest technologies used in the development of drug modelling. Scholars conferences  also promotes the role and image of general chemistry among the general public and policy-makers through social media, newsletters and through the organisation of conferences and workshops open to all the scientist, Researcher and scholars.
