International Yoga day


By Dr Preeti chaudhary,Consultant Physiotherapist,Columbia Asia Hospital Ghaziabad

”Non-Communicable diseases are on rise in India and it has been estimated that more than 60 percent population are suffering from chronic disorders like hypertension, diabetes, stroke, chronic diseases among others. According to WHO’s Global Action Plan on Physical Activity 2018-2030, practicing yoga regularly reduces the risk of chronic NCDs. And, yoga  provides a holistic approach to the body. Various yoga asans and kriyas like deep breathing and meditation help to lower the blood pressure and improve nervous system, reduces stress respectively. All of these improvements may prevent heart disease and can definitely help people with cardiovascular problem,neurological problems and many other problems.

This year’s emphasis on climate action will be crucial to restore that connection between the human beings to their surroundings that will eventually help in a better understanding of and appreciating the environment. Right from global warming to the looming water crisis, India has been facing the heat of changing climate much like rest of the world. With a timely theme, this year’s international yoga day is expected to improve our understanding of the surroundings.

Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)