Eisai Presents Research Evaluating Correlation of Highly-Precisely Measured Amyloid Beta in Plasma and Cerebrospinal Fluid with Newly Developed Automated Protein Assay System at AAIC 2019


Tokyo, July 18, 2019: Eisai Co.,Ltd. announced its latest research on evaluation about correlation of amyloid beta (Abeta) in plasma and in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) by high precision measurement with the newly developed automated protein assay system, jointly developed with Sysmex Corporation, using fullautomated immunoassay system HISCLTM(1) series for creating the simplified diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) with blood was presented at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) held in Los Angeles, California, United States, from July 14 to 18, 2019. (Poster Presentation No.: P4-548) Abeta is a peptide consisting of amino acid residues, which is generated by excision from the amyloid precursor protein.

Abeta1-40 consisting of 40 residues is dominant substance, and Abeta1-40 does not significantly fluctuate with progression of AD. On the other hand, as for the Abeta1-42 consisting of 42 residues, the aggregability is high and the reduction in Abeta1-42 is detected from the early stage of AD. The absolute value of Abeta has individual differences and intra individual variabilities, therefore, Abeta1-42/Abeta1-40 ratio in CSF is used for the diagnosis of amyloid positive or negative.

In this research, the correlation between Abeta1-42/Abeta1-40 ratio in plasma and Abeta1-42/Abeta1-40 in CSF were investigated for creating a simple blood diagnostic for AD by the automated protein assay system using full-automated immunoassay system HISCL series. This assay system enables the automated immune assay in 17 minutes with small volume samples such as 10-30microL, and Abeta assay in plasmas is possible with enough sensitivity and the high reliability. The samples from elderly person with normal cognition and patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and AD were used for investigation with HISCL series.

Results show a correlation (Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient (rs)(2)=0.502, p
Eisai aims to realize the prevention and cure of dementia including establishment of new diagnostics by multi-dimensional and holistic approach with a foundation of over 35 years of experience of drug discovery activities in the area of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Eisai strives further contribute to addressing the unmet medical needs of, as well as increasing the benefits provided to, patients and their families.

(1) HISCL is a trademark of Sysmex Corporation.
(2) The correlation coefficient indicates the strength of the relationship between the two data from the two quantitative data distributions. In this analysis, Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient (rs) which is an index of correlation obtained from rank data is calculated.

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