International Regulators Meet 2019

International Regulators Meet 2019

Pharma Exports during 2018-19

New Delhi, September 14, 2019:  India’s Pharma Industry during 2018-19 has touched $ 40 billion (Domestic and Exports). India’s Pharma exports during 2018-19 was $19.14 billion (comprising of Bulk Drugs, Finished dosage formulations, Ayush & Herbals & Surgicals) contributed 5.79% of Merchandise exports. Drug formulations & Biologicals is the third largest Principal commodity being exported by India.

In the FY 2019, Indian pharma crossed $19.2 billion exports and registered a 10.72 per cent growth compared to FY 18. We have seen growth in almost all categories and Drug formulations category achieved the highest by 12.13% growth.

We all know that, USA is major export destination for Indian pharma exports with market share of 30%. Though we recorded negative growth of 8% during FY 2018, the USA market revived and we have achieved 13.72% growth in FY 2019.

Exports to all regions during FY-19 shows growth. Top three export regions North America, Africa and EU bangs a growth of 14.9%, 2.6% and 9.1% respectively. Emerging markets like Asean, LAC & Middle East, have grown very well and especially Middle East to which exports have grown more than twice the national growth albeit contribution is below 6%.

Indian Pharma Exports in First Quarter of FY 2020

The first-quarterly results of the fiscal year 2019-20 shows that there was a 11 per cent  growth in Pharma exports with the total exports value about 5 Bn USD.  Exports by Region shows that almost all the regions have performed well & has grown excepting the regions of Asean, South Asia. North America recorded 30 % growth and even emerging markets like CIS and LAC regions have performed well with 13% and 12 % growths respectively.

 US market is continuing its trend with 28% growth. Even exports to China also increased at +37% and Japan at +32% in first quarter. Exports to Iran were grown at 169% with 58.68 mn USD.

Forecast for FY 2020:

Global Generics market is forecasted to grow by 4-5% in 2019. In July 2019, Indian exports already recorded 21.7 per cent growth with 1722 mn USD exports. The cumulative growth of Indian exports for the period of April-July 2019 is 13%. As of June-19 India’s generic pharmaceutical exports has grown almost 2.7-2.8 times faster than the market and hence we are expecting to touch $21 billion in the fiscal year 2019-20.

Pharmexcil mounted delegation to Australia and New Zealand for the first time in the month of July. Embassies and local chambers have well received the Indian delegates and fruitful deliberations happened between the Indian industries with Australian and New Zealand industries. Australia and New Zealand has shown interest in Indian generic formulations, nutraceuticals and veterinary products. Pharmexcil is considering ways & means to help Indian exporters of this sectors.

International Regulators Meet

With the support of Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Pharmexcil is organizing “International Regulators Meet” inviting Food & Drug Regulatory Officials from all regions, with a focus on the major export destinations to have wide networking and global outreach.

International Regulators Meet is scheduled during “19th -20th September 2019” at Taj Krishna, Hyderabad and is aimed at “International Regulatory Convergence to Promote Accessibility and Affordability of Quality Medicines”.

Regulators from about 25 countries are participating in the International regulators meet and the details as follows: Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Colombia, CARICOM countries, Ukraine, Egypt, Iran, Nigeria, Cote d-Ivorie, Ghana, Zambia, Ethiopia, Rawanda, China, Vietnam, Nepal, Myanmar, Indonesia & Bangladesh etc. DCG (I) along with CDSCO senior officials and State Drugs controllers are joining this conference and will be having deliberations with overseas regulators on harmonisation of regulations.

All the Pharmexcil members are invited for this conference and the members will be given an opportunity to directly interact with the overseas regulators for better understanding of the regulations.

Pharmexcil Awards for Outstanding Export Performance for the year 2018-19

Pharmexcil is presenting 17 Outstanding Export Awards during Annual General Meeting on 19th September 2019 to honour our members for the 11th time.

Strategies to reduce import dependence of APIs, KSMs and Intermediates

With the support of Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt of India, Pharmexcil has conducted a Study on understanding the Imports of APIs and KSMs so to develop Road map for making the country self-reliant in manufacturing APIs and thus reducing Import dependence.

The study is aimed at identifying the products for which India is majorly depends on imports and to develop the strategies & action plan to reduce import dependency. Pharmexcil is in the process of finalising the study and the Detailed Project Report (DPR) will be submitted to the government shortly.

Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)