Lady Hardinge Medical College takes Measures to Prevent Dengue


New Delhi, July 09, 2015: Shri J P Nadda, Minister for Health and Family Welfare has recently taken a review meeting on advance preparedness regarding dengue in central government hospitals of National Capital Region during monsoon. In view of the ensuing transmission season the Health Minister advised the hospital administration that elimination of mosquito vector breeding needs to be the top priority to reduce the risk of transmission. Consequent to the meeting, Lady Hardinge Medical College and associated hospitals have taken following measures for prevention and management of dengue and other vector borne diseases-

  • Patients are being advised to report to medical OPD or casualty (Emergency)
  • Since the start of this year, college has received 302 suspected clinical cases of dengue fever, 18 of which have been laboratory confirmed.
  • Regular surveillance is being conducted to detect mosquito breeding in and around the college premises and regular anti-larval application and insecticidal spray are being done to keep premises mosquito free. Regular sensitization of supporting staff for vector surveillance activities in the college /hospital premises is being done.
  • Diagnostic Kits (IgM ELISA and NS1 ELISA) are available for diagnosis of dengue. Laboratories are functional 24 X 7 for Platelet count and Hematocrit reports of dengue patients in the Department of Pathology. Blood components like Platelets, FFP etc. are available in the LHMC Blood Bank.
  • Dedicated beds and trained manpower are available for management of dengue patients. IV Fluids and other essential medicines are available for dengue management.