Cipla Ltd., Mumbai Central, Mumbai – 400 008, India


Company Name : Cipla Ltd.

Address : Mumbai Central, Mumbai – 400 008, India

Tel No: 91 22 23082891, 91 22 23095521

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Company Profile

Cipla’s journey began in 1935 when our founder, Dr. K. A. Hamied, set up an enterprise with the vision to make India self-sufficient in healthcare. Over the past 77 years, we have emerged as one of the world’s most respected pharmaceutical names, not just in India but worldwide.

We have 34 state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities that make Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) and formulations, which have been approved by major international Regulatory Agencies. We have over 2000 products in 65 therapeutic categories; with over 40 dosage forms, covering a wide spectrum of diseases ranging from communicable, non-communicable, common and emerging diseases to even rare diseases.

Our Research and Development (R&D) centre is focused on developing innovative products and drug delivery systems, giving the country and the world many ‘Firsts’.

Today, we are one of the world’s largest generic pharmaceutical companies with a strong presence in over 170 countries. We maintain world-class quality across all our products and services.

Whether it’s for millions or for just a few hundreds, our journey to care for all humanity continues.


In 1935, our founder, Dr. K. A. Hamied set up Cipla to make India self-reliant in healthcare.

In 1939, Mahatma Gandhi visited Cipla and inspired our founder to make essential medicines for the country, and strive for self-sufficiency. During World War II, when India was dependent on imported medicines and there was an alarming shortage of life-saving drugs, we manufactured them for the country.

In the 1960s, we pioneered API manufacturing in the country and helped lay the foundation for the bulk drug industry in India.

In 1970, we spearheaded the New Patent Law by which an Indian pharmaceutical company was allowed to manufacture a patented product as long as the process to manufacture it was changed. This enabled Indian companies for the first time to manufacture any medicines and make them available and affordable for all Indians.

In 1978, we pioneered inhalation therapy in India with the manufacture of Metered-Dose Inhaler (MDI), at a time when the country stopped receiving imported supplies. Today, we have the world’s largest range of inhaled medication and devices.

In 1994, we launched Deferiprone, the world’s first oral iron chelator which revolutionized the treatment for thalassemia. For the first time patients with thalassemia had an option that was affordable, painless and convenient.

In 1996, we gave the world the first transparent dry powder inhaler which was so simple and easy to use, it changed the face of inhalation therapy in India.

In 2001, we pioneered the access to HIV treatment by making antiretrovirals (ARVs) available at less than a ‘Dollar a Day’. The cost of treatment dramatically fell from $12,000 per patient per year to $300 per patient per year. This caused a revolution where HIV treatment became a reality for the world and millions of lives could be saved.

During the 2005 Bird Flu epidemic, we produced an anti-flu drug within a period of 2-3 months, which would have normally taken at least 3 years to develop.

In 2012, we made a breakthrough in reducing the prices of cancer drugs, thus making world-class medicines affordable and accessible to cancer patients.

We are committed to addressing the unmet medical needs of the world by venturing into newer challenges in platform technologies, biotechnology and stem cells.

We will continue to support, improve and save millions of lives with our high-quality drugs and innovative devices. And with the dedication of 20,000 employees, we are ready to face the future challenges of healthcare.