Shortage of Yellow Fever Vaccine


At present, there is no shortage of yellow fever vaccine in the country. A total of 6000 ten dose vials of yellow fever vaccine were supplied to various centres all over the country during July, 2013. Earlier, there was a shortage of supply of yellow fever vaccine from CRI, Kasauli. Accordingly, the yellow fever vaccination centres were advised that the travellers traveling to yellow fever affected countries were to purchase single dose yellow fever vaccine vials (manufactured by Sanofi Pasteur) from the open market and receive the vaccination and vaccination certificate from Government authorized yellow fever vaccination centres.

In view of the threat of importation of yellow fever in India, WHO consultation was held in Goa during March, 2011. The WHO recommended continuing existing mechanism of surveillance and quarantine, vector control and building capacities for enhancing diagnostic facilities in the country.

Govt. of India has specific measures in place at Ports of Entry (POEs) for surveillance against introduction of yellow fever into country (including via air travel) as below:

• Travellers: all the travellers who have either traveled to yellow fever affected countries or have transmitted through affected countries are required to possess valid yellow fever vaccination certificate.

• All the incoming international conveyances (ships / aircrafts) are required to submit proof of recommended dis-infection measures for the aircraft.

No such information regarding people obtaining Fake yellow fever vaccination certificates to fly to affected countries has been received.

Following measures have been taken by the Government to make the vaccine available in the country:

1. Emergency procurement of 60,000 doses of yellow fever vaccine from Sanofi Pasteur during the month of April, 2013. The vaccine was delivered during mid-July, 2013 and has been immediately distributed to all the vaccination centers in the country.

2. Government supply order for supply of 2.57 lac doses has been placed with WHO during 2013. The first consignment of 1,28,530 doses has been received at CRI Kasauli. The remaining quantity is expected to be delivered in 4th Quarter of F/Y 2013-14.

This information was given by Union Minister of Health & Family Welfare ShriGhulamNabi Azadin written reply to a question in the LokSabha yesterday.