BIK Industries, Khetwadi 5th Lane, “Kansara House”, Mumbai – 400004. Maharashtra (India)


Company Name: BIK Industries

Category: Scientific Instruments

 Address: Khetwadi 5th Lane, “Kansara House”, Mumbai – 400004. Maharashtra (India)

Tel. No: (91-22) 23820722 / 23808732



Company Profile

We are an organisation engaged in manufacturing laboratory animal house equipments since 1982, like animal cages for rats, mice, hampsters, rabbits, guinea pigs and also specialist in all kinds of stainless steel fabrication jobs like SS Test Tube Stand, Vial/Ampoule Loading Trays, SS Trolleys required for injectable plants in Pharmaceutical and Chemical industries.

The company was brought over in the year 1958 by Shri Chhabildas Bhagvandas Kansara in the name of his father Late Shri Bhagwandas Iccharam Kansara.

The firm was registered as a Small Scale Industry unit in 1962. During that period Stainless Steel utensils like wire glass stands, kitchen stands, electrical kettles and car aerials etc. was manufactured and supplied. Now it is registered with the government sector like BARC and also with National Small Scale Industry and various Pharmaceutical associations.

Strong market presence and goodwill earned are our last ten years of operation have helped us to build a strong and dedicated organisations. Since then the company is growing at the rate of 100% per year adding new work area in the field of animal houses equipments.