Healthcare Industry in India gets a new edge with Coordinated Care


New Delhi, November 03, 2015: India is vigorously stepping ahead with giving new tangents to health care, diagnosis and medical services. New technology and emerging industry players are changing the dynamics of healthcare industry with making it more persistent and handy. Quality and affordability is becoming a new landscape for the development trajectory of India’s health system. The industry is going more towards the digital medium considering it easily accessible where technology is playing a very crucial role in rendering this shift. Technology has changed the way doctors and patients interact. Information Technology enabled development of a “Next era” in medical sector of India by offering digital facet on medical consultation. Internet, Mobile applications and Web applications are playing an essential part to change patient’s experience of the industry.

Lots of collaborations have been introduced through Internet that offers exclusive platforms for medical consultants and doctors. These platforms are able to allow doctors to take intense care of their patients and promote long distance communications. Technology enabled the embodiment of synchronized healthcare in health division of India. Coordinated care is a collective approach towards bringing together two or more experts to provide medical aid to the patient for appropriate delivery of effective treatment. It is a prearranged care activity involving healthcare resources and personals managed through exchange of information between participants contributing to various aspects of care and treatment.

Care coordination pays complete attention to all those activities that ensure contentment of patient’s needs and preferences. Primarily, care coordination enables smooth transition of information across experts, functions and geographical locations. Care coordination also helps in linking medical practitioners that helps in formulating an integrated health care system. The trend emerged from the US healthcare platforms such as Sermo and now has been shifting to India with doctors networking platforms such as Curofy.

The fundamental aspect of care coordination is transition of information. Exchange of information between the medical entities aligned with patient’s treatment. This service is very important considering shift the patient from one health care aid to another in the system. There is a lot of information that goes along while transferring a patient, a series of information, interpretation of diagnostic reports and procedures needs to be transported to the other doctor. Even a minor gap in communication may lead to severe problems and the most crucial being wrong treatment. It’s the patient who will have to bear the ultimate consequences.

Coordinated care primarily keeps a check on transferring the patient from one facility to another. It makes sure the transition is error free and easy. Most critical aspect of navigating a patient is clinical coordination. This involves the kind of information that is necessary, where to transfer, and how responsibility and accountability will be coordinated while the transfer.

Sequencing of specialists, allocation of doctors, nurses, care managers and support systems need to be carried out through intensive coordination. The potential gaps in medical and informal support systems are met through coordination. Apart from these aspects, social, developmental, behavioral and educational needs of the patient are addressed in clinical coordination. Through intensive collaboration and information exchange, thus, coordination aims to achieve optimal health, wellness and positive outcomes from a treatment according to preference of the patient.

Technology based platforms have given a major breakthrough to coordinated care. Web based platforms that allow extensive collaboration facilitated physicians to communicate seamlessly while transferring a patient from a care facility to another. As these platforms can be accessed via mobile devices, doctors can connect with their counterparts and exchange diagnostic reports, medical reviews and treatment procedures related to the patient with extensive ease and agility.

These platforms have revolutionized the way healthcare industry functions. This has not only benefit patients, physicians and health care organizations but has given a new direction to the industry altogether. Mobile app based care coordination will definitely prove to be effective for betterment of public health management in the country. Effective utilization of care coordination can sideline the need of expensive procedures through timely delivery of intensive care and treatment.

Care coordination ultimately takes care of an extreme management of well-informed doctors loaded with extensive download of the patient’s history. This is only possible because of the direct engagements of the experts and specialists. Ultimately, they aid patients with appropriate and timely treatment. These platforms also help in avoiding expensive procedure while providing the high quality services with the endless resources and efficient healthcare solutions.

These platforms will benefit the present scenario of Indian Healthcare Industry immensely. The main aim of these technology driven platforms is to identify and engage the patients who require immediate attention, align specialized help, create effortless transition and optimize efficiency and revenue in the industry.

Healthcare informatics, telemedicine, electronic health records, remote diagnostic and therapeutic tools have driven the first step for tech-enabled healthcare. Healthcare organization will require integrating their IT infrastructure will collaborative platforms for streamlined connection of physicians. This would enable international collaboration apart from national ones thereby bringing the sector on a par with the global healthcare industry.