‘HelpMeServe.in’- a digital initiative for a social cause


Wockhardt Foundation launches a website to create a crowdfunding platform

Mumbai, April 19, 2018: Wockhardt Foundation, a national not-for-profit organization has launched a website- ‘Help Me Serve’ (www.helpmeserve.in) – a digital crowdfunding platform that will help serve society and unprivileged section of the society.

‘Help Me Serve’ will raise funds through micro donations which will be voluntary donations made to help serve the needy section.  Wockhardt Foundation has partnered with like minded NGOs like Desire Society (Hyderabad), Seruds India (Andhra Pradesh) and Blind People’s Association (Ahmedabad) among others, to work together for helping serve the unprivileged section of the society, thus making a big impact.

On the new initiative Sir Dr. Huz (Sir Dr. Huzaifa Khorakiwala), Trustee & CEO of Wockhardt Foundation said, “Help Me Serve will create a big impact as many like minded people will work together for the benefit of society. This will create a greater impact in improving the social status and serve various causes which affect quality of life and thought in the society.”

The initiative will serve various causes related to Health, Education, Water & Sanitation, Skills & Livelihood, Children & Elderly, Rural Development and Environment. The donors can select options among the mentioned causes that they are concerned and would like to donate to improve the condition.

Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)