Dr.BS Ajaikumar

HCG- The Specialist in Cancer Care launches the first in India Journal on ‘Precision Oncology’ on National Cancer Awareness Day

An official journal of the Association of Transitional Oncology launched for the first time in India Bangalore, November 09, 2020:…

4 years ago

Anthill Ventures and HCG Announce Six Start-ups for their Healthcare Program ‘Lumos Health’

-Shri Gaurav Gupta, Principal Secretary, ITBT&ST Panellist at the Launch of 'Lumos Health'; offers Government support to start-ups- -The Government…

5 years ago

Budget has definitely boosted the spirits of the healthcare sector by Dr. BS Ajaikumar, Chairman & CEO, HealthCare Global Enterprises Ltd,

New Delhi, February 02, 2018: Today’s budget has definitely boosted the spirits of the healthcare sector. The announcement around the National…

6 years ago

Union Budget 2018: Outlook for Healthcare sector Attributed to Dr.BS Ajaikumar, Chairman & CEO, HealthCare Global Enterprises Ltd

New Delhi, January 31, 2018: Each year, around the Union Budget, the Healthcare sector eagerly waits for some positive news…

6 years ago

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