Dr Rajesh Kesari

High-Stress Levels, Workplace Pollution, and Dietary Habits Leading to High Prevalence of NCDs in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana: ASSOCHAM Report

Hypertension, Digestive Diseases, Diabetes, and Brain Disorders are the most prevalent NCDs AP and Telangana have a 16.19% prevalence of key…

3 years ago

Don’t Ignore Symptoms like Chest Pain, Exhaustion even if there is no Fever: Experts at ASSOCHAM’s ‘Illness to Wellness’ Seriesy

The expert panel of cardiologists was holding discussions at the fifth edition of the series themed – Heart Wellness During…

4 years ago

Fibre & micronutrient intense diet and constant monitoring of sugar level primal for diabetics during covid-19: experts at assocham’s illness to wellness series

The expert panel was holding discussions at the third edition of the series themed - 'Diabetes Management During COVID-19' Poorer…

4 years ago

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