Mahendra Patel

Lincoln Pharmaceuticals Ltd receives approval to manufacture Hydroxychloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate Tablets to fight COVID19

New Delhi, April 29, 2020: Lincoln Pharmaceuticals Limited, one of India's leading healthcare companies has received approval to manufacture Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)…

4 years ago

Lincoln Pharmaceuticals Ltd reports Net Profit of Rs. 10.92 crore, up19.47% in Q3FY2019-20

New Delhi, February 14, 2020: Net revenues for Q3FY20 at Rs. 101.5 crore, up 19.7% as compared to Rs. 84.8…

4 years ago

Expectations from Union Budget 2020 by Mr. Mahendra Patel, Managing Director, Lincoln Pharmaceuticals Ltd

New Delhi, February 01, 2020: "The economy is going through a phase of low GDP growth, Finance Minister should adopt…

4 years ago

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