10 ways to improve your bio-based chemical plant – Alfa Laval


May 26, 2015
Great opportunities

Bio-based chemicals production is a rapidly growing field in the processing industry. As with most new technologies, there are both great opportunities and many pitfalls.

To be successful you first need to make the process work in a lab environment and then scale up to commercial production and make the process financially viable. The challenges you face in these two stages are very different, and to be profitable you need to overcome all of them.

A reliable partner

To make the most of your investments it is essential to partner up with an experienced equipment supplier that helps you find the optimum solutions for your plant.

All plants are different, and seemingly small details can have a big impact on plant profitability. You need to tailor each process step to your specific plant, and there are no general, one-size-fits-all solutions. That is why we always ask a lot of questions when you meet us, not just about the specific positions for our products, but about your entire plant.

At Alfa Laval we cooperate with many of the world’s leading producers of bio-based chemicals, and we have extensive experience from working with similar industries such as pharmaceuticals, sugar and starch, biofuels and chemical processing.

We help you:

• Increase yield

• Reduce operating costs

• Minimize downtime and service

• Cut investment costs

• Improve product quality

Equipment and good advice

Alfa Laval offers a unique range of products for production of bio-based chemicals. We supply equipment for feedstock preparation, sugar solution pre-treatment, fermentation, microbial cell removal, concentration, purification and further processing downstream.

This white paper outlines some of our best advice, and we hope you will find it useful. Please contact us if you have any questions or if you would like to discuss possibilities for your plant.