23rd World Congress on Pediatrics, Neonatology & Primary Care


ME Conferences is delighted to announce the next event “23rd World Congress on Pediatrics, Neonatology & Primary Care” to be held on November 22-23, 2019 in Dubai, UAE.

For more information: https://neonatalcare.pediatricsconferences.com/

PEDIATRICS NEONATAL CARE 2019 typically incorporate lectures, paper and poster sessions, and panel discussions with prominent international experts and scholars.  We also feature product exhibitions, workshops, and student research competitions that generate networking opportunities for all attendees.

The 2019 Conference is bringing together 50+ professionals from 23+ countries for the education, innovation and collaboration – all at one time, all in one place.

Choose from 20+ education sessions, 10+ exhibitors, and endless networking events.

Abstracts are welcome in all areas related to Pediatrics, Neonatology & Primary Care.