25th International Conference on Organic & Inorganic Chemistry


25th International Conference on Organic & Inorganic Chemistry is going to be held during July 26-27, 2019 at Vancouver, Canada.This International conference on Organic & Inorganic Chemistry is a global platform to discuss and learn about new compounds and its structure, bonding, reactivity in field of organic chemistry and organometallic chemistry, organic geochemistry, biogeochemistry, marine geochemistry, petroleum geochemistry, Bioorganic and medicinal chemistry.
Unique Features of GOICC 2019
• Each abstract will be labeled with an Identification Number (DOI) provided by Cross Ref.
• Speaker and Abstract pages created in Google under your name will attract worldwide acknowledgment to your research profile.
• Live streaming of your presentation through our websites and YouTube.
This is a two day conference which will provide a multi-channel communication platform that brings together both “producers” and “consumers” of Chemistry World of generic sector. It includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations and Exhibitions. It is a perfect platform for researchers, scientists and, delegates to share experience, foster collaborations across industry and academia, and evaluate emerging technologies across the globe.