About 6 million people die from tobacco use every year – Dr. Kunal Saxena – Managing Director Rusan Pharma


New Delhi, May 30, 2017: Tobacco use in India is on the rise with more and more younger generation getting hooked. According to World Health Organization, about 6 million people die from tobacco use every year, a figure that is predicted to grow to more than 8 million a year by 2030 without intensified action. The introduction of GST is definitely a positive step taken by the government. more common lThe 28% GST tax and an additional 5% cess levied on branded cigarettes, but a lower tax is suggested to be levied on bidis of 18% which arey used in India. This will result in an increase in cigarette/bidi prices in India and hopefully result in a decrease in the consumption of tobacco. The strategy has to be multi-fold effort by not just making provisions under the COTPA Act to limit public smoking, advertising of tobacco products, warnings on cigarette packs, defining an age limit and taxation, but also by providing a robust mechanism of treatment and counseling for people willing to quit tobacco in each state of the country. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MHFW), launched the National Tobacco Control Programme (NTCP) in 2007- 08 in 42 districts of 21 States/Union Territories of the India. Under the program, Tobacco Cessation Centre(TCC) were setup to provide counseling and pharmacotherapy to tobacco users for quitting the tobacco addiction. However, very little funds (as little as ₹2 Lac/district annually) are allocated to these centers to actually carry out their targets effectively. If the MHFW, is serious about significantly reducing the Tobacco users in the country, then it should allocate more funds for an effective working of it’s TCCs

Corporate Comm India (CCI Newswire)