iRevive – A Unique Ortho-care Therapy Center Opens in Bangalore


Introduces medical breakthrough with machines that can regenerate cartilage, tendons, ligaments and enhance bone density

Bangalore, June 17, 2017: A unique or-tho-care Therapy center, iRevive has opened in Bangalore which brings to India for the first time machines that can regenerate your cartilage, tendons, ligaments as well as bone cells. These medical devices for the musculoskeletal system use Molecular Biophysical Stimulation (MBST®) and are manufactured by German company MedTec Medizintechnik GmbH.

Inaugurating the iRevive Or tho Care Therapy Center and the machines, Mr. Axel Muntermann, Founder and CEO of MedTec Medizintechnik GmbH, Germany, the Medical Innovator behind the technology said, “In all my years I have seen patients of bone and cartilage degeneration suffer through immense pain. There was no non-invasive means of regenerating cartilage and bone cells. When doctors began to notice how patients spoke of obvious pain relief post Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), we researched more to develop therapeutic devices that are based on magnetic resonance. And that is how the MBST® technology came about.”

“The Magnetic Resonance Therapy technology used by the machines helps in regenerating cartilage and bone cells in a non-invasive procedure, treating both the symptoms and the cause. It also helps in effective pain management. The technology manipulates the hydrogen atoms in the human body which itself is made up of 67% of water. The technology works in a way to enable degenerated cells to absorb and release energy again. The cell in turn regenerates and cell metabolism is revived,” explained Mr. Axel. “We have over 300,000 successful treated patients worldwide & 1200 devices in 39 countries and now we are happy to bring this to India,” added Mr. Axel.

Speaking at the inauguration, Mr. Surendra Bhandari, Managing Director of iRevive and IEM International Pvt. Ltd., (IEM), importers of these machines said, “We are the first to bring this internationally acclaimed technology to India and Bangalore and will be working closely with the medical fraternity to provide patients with a minimally invasive treatment form that will regenerate cartilage, increase bone density as well as ensure that there is no pain and no side effects. The machines from IEM MBST ® are available for all those hospitals and diagnostic centers looking to provide their patients with a non-invasive, yet revolutionary treatment”.

Elaborating on the treatment through the MBST machines, Dr. Gautam Kodikal, Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon said, “This form of treatment is ideal for patients who are diagnosed early, especially in the first 3 stages of cartilage and bone degeneration. It is only after stage 3 that surgery becomes the only option. The machines can be used to treat osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, sport injuries and other metabolic disorders of the musculoskeletal system. It takes about 10 sessions of an hour each for 10 consecutive days for the cartilage to regenerate.

The treatment form provides patients with relief from both symptoms as well as the cause of an ailment”.

The MBST® Machines:

iRevive has two machines currently – the MBST® – Open System350, and the MBST® – OpenSystem700.

The MBST® Open System350: This arm and leg combination system includes a chair, trolley and table. The application areas of this machine are the elbows, hands, knees and foot. It can also be used for double-hand and double-foot applications. The Magnetic Resonance frequency is about 16 kilohertz. Optimized treatment times are available in 3, 5 and 7 hour schedules. Bone and metabolic diseases as well as the post-treatment of fractures come in 9 hour schedules. The entire system weighs around 75kg.

The MBST® Open System700: This treatment cot covers application areas of double-knee, lumbar-spine and hip, thoracic spine and the cervical spine/shoulder areas. The Magnetic Resonance frequency is about 16 kilohertz. Treatment chips with optimized times are available for osteoarthritis in 3, 5 and 7 hour schedules. Bone metabolic diseases, inter vertebral discs and chronic ligament conditions in 9 hour schedules. The entire device weighs around 145kg.

The MBST® Osteo System will soon be added to the machines being made available. This is a flatbed aimed at a whole body treatment. The Magnetic Resonance frequency is about 16 kilohertz. Treatment chips for tissue specific treatments are available in 10 hour schedules. Whole body treatment comes with three applicators.

Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)