Public Health Research Initiative Fellowships (PHRI): A Public Health Foundation of India and SERB, (A Statutory Body of the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India) Collaboration to Advance Research in Public Health Areas of National Im


New Delhi, July 15, 2014 – The Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) and SERB, (Science and Engineering Research Board), a statutory body under the Department of Science of Technology, Government of India launched a first of kind fellowship: Public Health Research Initiative (PHRI) to advance research in areas of public health importance that have the potential of transforming public health in India. The fellowships will encourage young researchers who are looking to build a career in public health and are open to Indian nationals across the country. PHRI will enable young Indian researchers to carry out clearly defined research project at a place of their choice up to a period of 36 months. The estimated amount of the available research grant is limited to 30 Lakh INR per fellowship. The total duration of the grant will not exceed more than THREE years.

The aim of the Public Health Research Initiative (PHRI) collaboration is to strengthen and expand the knowledge base of Indian public health research and education, help build a fleet of young researchers with potential of emerging as leaders in public health who will contribute to evidence generation through research in key priority areas for action. The programme will provide a platform for innovative research and solutions to inform programme and policies.

Eligibility:  Post-Graduate degree from an accredited institution in any domain related to public health, including medical and non-medical sciences, nutrition, physiotherapy, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, social sciences, law and humanities. It would be desirable if the applicant has a doctoral degree. (Applicants related to Biomedical, Biophysics and biochemistry are excluded from PHRI fellowships)

Application Procedure: Online application formats with detailed guidelines are available at the website To apply online please visit

Last Date of Applications: Online submission will close by 15 August 2014

For any additional information/ queries: The fellowships are anchored and will be managed at the Indian Institute of Public Health Gandhinagar(IIPH-G), a constituent unit of PHFI. Email id: