Cabinet approves rationalization of Autonomous Bodies under Department of Health & Family Welfare


New Delhi, February 08, 2018: The Association Bureau led by Head administrator Shri Narendra Modi has endorsed the proposition for conclusion of Self-sufficient Bodies, in particular, Rashtriya Arogya Nidhi (RAN) and Jansankhya Sthirata Kosh (JSK) and the capacities are proposed to be vested in Division of Wellbeing and Family Welfare (DoHFW).

The defense of Independent Bodies under Branch of Wellbeing and Family Welfare will include between pastoral interviews and audit of existing bye laws of these bodies. The time span for execution is one year,

Rashtriya Arogya Nidhi (RAN) was set up as an enrolled society to give money related medicinal help to poor patients accepting treatment in assigned focal government clinics. A progress is set with the Medicinal Directors of such healing centers who at that point give help on a case to case premise. Since the DoHFW gives assets to the healing centers, the stipends can be given from the Office to the doctor’s facility specifically. RAN capacities can, in this manner, be vested in DoHFW. Overseeing Board of trustees of RAN Culture will meet to break down the Self-ruling Body (Stomach muscle) according to arrangements of Social orders Enrollment Act, 1860 (SRA). What’s more, Wellbeing Pastor’s Disease Understanding Asset (HMCPF) might likewise be exchanged to the Division. The timetable required for this is one year.

Jansankhya Sthirata Kosh (JSK) was set up with a corpus allow of Rs.100 crores in the year 2003 to bring issues to light for populace adjustment systems. JSK sorts out different exercises with target populaces as a piece of its command. There has been no consistent financing to JSK from the Service. Populace adjustment procedures require private and corporate financing, which can be gotten to through JSK. Despite the fact that, JSK will keep on playing a critical part in populace adjustment methodologies, its reality as a Self-sufficient Body isn’t vital. Subsequently, JSK as a Self-governing Body can be shut as it can be regulated by the Division as a store.


In light of the proposals of Consumption Administration Commission, NITI Aayog had attempted an audit of the 19 Self-sufficient Bodies, under the DoHFW, that have been shaped under Social orders Enrollment Act, 1860 (SRA) and presented the Interval Report of the Board for the Survey of ABs with suggestions to justify the same. The fundamental worry of the Administration is that ABs are required to be investigated and justified with a view to enhance their results, adequacy and effectiveness, use of budgetary and HR, cooperative energy, administration and importance in current arrangement and program setting, with enhanced checking and oversight. The Board of trustees had prescribed conclusion of RAN and JSK and their capacities to be vested in the Service.