Generic Medicines


New Delhi, March 12, 2018: As on 05.03.2018, under Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana (PMBJP), 3214 Kendras have been opened in 33 States/Union Territories of the Country and are functional in order to make available quality generic medicines at affordable prices to all. A State/UT-wise list of 3214 functional PMBJP Kendras, including in West Bengal, Gujarat, Kerala and Maharastra, is given below:

S.No. State/Union Territory Number of functional PMBJP Kendras
Punjab 76
Delhi 41
Haryana 69
Uttar Pradesh 501
Uttarakhand 97
Madhya Pradesh 68
Tripura 24
Mizoram 8
Andhra Pradesh 132
Gujarat 280
Karnataka 272
Rajasthan 89
Maharashtra 215
Odisha 72
Chandigarh 5
Jammu & Kashmir 33
Himachal Pradesh 28
Jharkhand 46
Bihar 95
Kerala 323
Chattisgarh 195
Arunachal Pradesh 24
Telangana 77
Tamil Nadu 274
Assam 51
West Bengal 47
Nagaland 11
Manipur 36
Dadar & Nagar Haveli 7
Puducherry 11

Under ‘Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Priyojana’ (PMBJP), the product basket of the scheme now covers more than 700 medicines and 154 surgicals & consumables covering all major therapeutic groups such as Analgesics, Antipyretics, Anti-allergies, Anti-infectives, Anti-diabetic, Cardiovasculars, Anti-cancers, Gastro-intestinal medicines, Diuretics, etc. 666 medicines and 81 surgicals are available for supply under Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Priyojna.

There are no reports of any gap between commonly used medicines and their availability in the medical stores of the Government. There is no report indicating shortage of most prescribed generic drugs at the outlets opened at Central Government Hospitals in Delhi.

Medical Council of India (MCI) has notified an amendment in Clause 1.5 of Indian Medical Council (Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Ethics) Regulations, 2002, which stipulates that “Every physician should prescribe drugs with generic names legibly and preferably in capital letters and he/she shall ensure that there is a rational prescription and use of drugs”. Medical Council of India, vide its Circulars dated 21.04.2017, 22.11.2012 and 18.01.2013, has reiterated that all physicians should prescribe drugs with Generic names. Director, CGHS has vide Office Memorandum dated 08.09.2017, issued instructions to all CGHS Wellness Centres to ensure that prescription is only by generic name wherever generic drugs are available.

The MCI or the appropriate State Medical Councils have been empowered to take disciplinary action against a doctor for violation of the provisions of the aforesaid Regulations. As and when complaints are received against the violation of these, such complaints are referred by MCI to the concerned State Medical Councils where the doctors/medical practitioners are registered for appropriate action.

The Minister of State (Health and Family Welfare), Sh Ashwini Kumar Choubey stated this in a written reply in the Lok Sabha here today.