National Centre for Disease Control


New Delhi, March 17, 2018: Details of the health programmes being run under the National Centre for Disease Control in the country are as under:

  1. Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP)
  1. National Programme for Containment of Anti-Microbial Resistance
  2. National Viral Hepatitis Surveillance Programme
  3. Strengthening Inter-sectoral coordination for prevention and control of Zoonotic Diseases of Public Health Importance (ISC)
  4. National Rabies control programme (NRCP)
  5. Programme for prevention and control of Leptospirosis (PPCL)
  6. Yaws Eradication Programme
  7. Guinea Worm Eradication Programme

There is a mechanism in place to review the functioning of the programmes. Programme-wise details are given below:

Name of Programme Review Mechanism Details of the reviews and outcome
Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP) The functioning of the Programme is regularly monitored and reviewed by the Ministry of Health and Family   Welfare and NCDC.  The Common Review Mission of the National Health Mission also reviews the Programme. Field reviews are conducted by the Programme Officers of NCDC through visits to Districts and States/UTs. Annual National Review Meetings are also held with State Surveillance Officers.  A joint Monitoring Mission with WHO was also carried out in 2016. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare conducts routine review meetings with NCDC, Indian Council of Medical Research and the States/UTs to ensure early detection and containment of disease outbreaks.  The Surveillance network is extended to cover uncovered areas and laboratory infrastructure and human resources have been strengthened. Sustained efforts under IDSP ensure increased reporting mechanism from the States and UTs about disease outbreaks.
Yaws Eradication Programme Periodic Independent appraisals are conducted by NCDC. India has been declared free of Yaws on 5thMay 2016 by World Health Organization.
Guinea Worm



Review is done through monthly reporting from previously affected districts Guinea Worm disease has been eradicated from India in the year 2000. However, surveillance activities are carried out whenever there are doubts/rumours of prevalence of this disease in any part of the country.
National programme

for containment of

antimicrobial resistance (AMR)


The Government has notified governance mechanisms to develop a National Action Plan for AMR and to oversee AMR containment activities.  An Inter-sectoral coordination committee on AMR has been constituted, chaired by Secretary Health.  A Technical advisory group on AMR has also been constituted, chaired jointly by Secretary Department of Health Research & Director General Health Services and a Core working group on AMR, chaired by Director, NCDC has also been constituted. A High level Inter-Ministerial Consultation on Antimicrobial Resistance was organized by the Ministry in April 2017. In August 2017, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, NCDC and WHO   jointly organized a two-day National Consultation to Operationalize Action against AMR.  The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is constantly engaged in activities for containment of AMR in the country.  The National Action Plan on AMR (NAP-AMR) has since been adopted.

Laboratories have been able to initiate data reporting system in WHONET, the software for AMR surveillance data reporting. Labs have also been assessed for building capacity towards quality testing.

National Viral




The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and NCDC are regularly reviewing the Programme and surveillance activities are conducted in co-ordination with the States/UTs.  From the year 2018-19, the programme will be launched as an Integrated initiative for Prevention and Control of Viral Hepatitis in the country. The Government is making all efforts to control the spreading of Hepatitis viruses. With a view to reduce morbidity and mortality caused due to viral hepatitis, key features like a robust surveillance mechanism, preventive measures, service delivery, strengthening of diagnostic facilities, and treatment and awareness programmes have been included in the Integrated Initiative for Prevention and Control of Viral Hepatitis.
National Rabies

Control Programme


The Human Component of the Programme is implemented by this Ministry through NCDC.  The Animal component of the programme is being implemented by the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change through the Animal Welfare Board of India.  Both the Ministries are monitoring the Programme.  NCDC is conducting periodic meetings with State Health officials. Regular monitoring is done through State and District level coordination and monitoring Committees The Programme is being re-structured as Integrated National Rabies Control Programme under ‘One Health Approach’.  Under the Animal Component of the existing Programme, vaccination of dogs was conducted in Haryana and in Chennai (Tamil Nadu).  Under the Human Component of the programme, free vaccines are provided through the Government Hospitals.
Program for Prevention and

Control of



Regular review meetings are conducted with State Health Officials.  NCDC is closely monitoring the programme and sends its teams to the states to assist them for prevention and control of leptospirosis. NCDC is in constant touch with the States and UTs to implement the preparedness plans for control of leptospirosis.  Advisories are issued from time to time to undertake timely measures for containment of outbreaks and to implement the  preparedness plans.
Strengthening of Inter-Sectoral

Coordination for

Prevention and

control of Zoonotic


Periodic meetings are held with State Governments to strengthen inter sectoral coordination for prevention and control of zoonotic diseases.  NCDC teams visit the states to review the preparedness of the states and also to assist them. Collaboration between health and veterinary sectors at all levels (State/district/Block) have been improved with data sharing mechanisms including early warning signals to prevent outbreaks.


The Minister of State (Health and Family Welfare), SmtAnupriya Patel stated this in a written reply in the LokSabha here today.