The Youth Festival marks an inclusive national movement ‘Youth Against Leprosy’


 To rise against stigma and discrimination against the affected 

  • Sasakawa – India Leprosy Foundation (SILF) organizes nationwide camps annually to raise awareness and sensitize youngsters about the fight against Leprosy and behavior change through a concerted campaign #You Are Not Alone
  • Till date more then 20 colleges and around 2,000 students have been trained under the program.
  • The festival was a part of S-ILF’s programme to raise awareness about leprosy as part of 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, whose contribution to end leprosy is well known.

Mumbai, January 29, 2019: Sasakawa-India Leprosy Foundation (S-ILF)organized ‘Youth Against Leprosy’, a National Youth Festival aimed to raise the awareness levels about leprosy amongst the younger generation. Held at the India Islamic Cultural Centre in New Delhi, the festival was a finale of all participating colleges from all over India that undertook the program and training. The festival witnessed widespread participation of youth that engaged creative activities to make the event a success.

S-ILF’s annual youth festival provides a platform for young people from non-leprosy backgrounds (students from different colleges / universities) to mingle and interact with youth from leprosy colonies. These interactions are aimed to bust myths and create social bridges among college youth regarding leprosy. Youth Festival helps to bridge the “us versus them” divide. The students are connected as a community through the campaign initiative named #YouAreNotAlone.

Dr. Rajiv Kumar, Vice Chairman NITI Ayog graced the occasion as the Chief Guest along with Mr. Yohei Sasakawa, WHO Goodwill Ambassador for Leprosy eradication, who was present as the Guest of Honor.

Mr. Yohei Sasakawa has also been nominated for the Gandhi Peace Prize by Government of India, for his commitment towards raising awareness on Leprosy.

In his address to the youth at the festival, Dr. Rajiv Kumar, said, “I am pleased to be a part of this great initiative by Sasakawa-India Leprosy Foundation. Youth are the harbingers of change and the encouraging number of participants today at the festival gives us hope that as a country we are united and take the onus of fighting the stigma related to leprosy. As a member of the Indian government and as a citizen of this country I support the cause of leprosy and feel that everyone should come forward to mainstream those affected by leprosy & their families. It is important that we encourage early detection and treatment thereby Leprosy be eliminated from the country. However, this can happen only if we fight the stigma together as a society”.

The participating youth have been enrolled and trained by S-ILF under its Education and Advocacy & Awareness programs. These youngsters are actively involved in bringing mainstream Leprosy affected persons and their families by providing them a dignified life.

Addressing the event Mr Tarun Das, Chairman Sasakawa -India Leprosy Foundation said, “Unfortunately when it comes to leprosy there has been little or no education to address the several myths surrounding leprosy that result in stigma and discrimination of those affected. The younger generation in particular has very little or no understanding of leprosy as a disease. Whatever little they know is often vague and reaffirms the stigma against the disease. At the foundation we are committed to sensitize the youth so that they can spread the word and contribute towards elimination of stigma leading to a more inclusive and empathetic society.

Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)