The soaring temperature may hit bengalureans hard: states narayana health city


Bengaluru, March 07, 2019: Summer is that time of the year wherein many viral infections occur. In fact, this year, the mercury levels have soared further up due to global warming. This early onset of summer coupled with high temperatures during days and relative cooler nights is taking a toll on the health of Bengalureans. The change in the climate is already causing flu like respiratory infections and food related infections.

Elaborating about the impact of rising temperature, Dr. Mahesh Kumar, Consultant Internal Medicine, Narayana Health City said, “Climatic changes challenges our immune system and can trigger various illnesses.  However, the early onset of summer and high temperature seems to be adversely affecting our health. We are already witnessing a 15% increase in the number of patients with viral infections. The pattern of temperature also seems to be impacting our health.  The nights are cooler and the days are extremely hot making it difficult for the body to adjust to the change. There is an increase in the number of patients suffering from conditions like influenza and viral respiratory infections like bronchitis.  We are also noticing a surge in food and water borne infections as well.

“Further, what is more alarming this year is the intensity. The infections seems to be more severe in nature.” added Dr. Mahesh Kumar

While some of the conditions are unavoidable, a majority of these issues can be tackled by improving our body’s immunity, exercise, healthy diet and preventive measures. Some of the preventive measures that one could take to protect oneself from infections are:

  1. Stay hydrated – Drinking 2.5 to 3 liters of water every day would improve the muscle hydration and prevent muscle aches, pains and fatigue which is common in peak summer.
  2. Avoid packed and refrigerated food- Eat fresh homemade food as much as possible.  Eating refrigerated, stored and packaged foods would invite frequent infections and also more stomach related ailments like indigestion and gastritis
  3. Make exercising an integral part of the daily routine– Starting the day with exercise will be more refreshing, improve both the absorption and retention of vit d in bones and muscles. Vitamin D also boosts our body’s immunity.
  4.  Regular vaccination– Influenza and typhoid vaccinations to susceptible individuals would definitely help not only the individuals, but also prevent further spread of the infections in the community and prevent both morbidity and frequent use of antibiotics.

Corporate Comm India(CCI NewsWire)