More Than 72% of the Dialysis Patients do not Undergo the Prescribed Treatment; NephroPlus Study


New Delhi, June 17, 2015: While 3 sessions per week is the globally accepted minimum treatment modality for Kidney failure also known as End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), the majority, 72% of patients in India opt for lesser frequency adversely affecting their longevity and quality of the life states NephroPlus Study. Of the 72%, 65% choose twice a week modality instead of thrice as prescribed and 7% opted for once a week modality. As per the findings, the patient behaviour to under-treat themselves is an outcome of their lack of affordability and also understanding of the implications of under-treatment. Clinically, worldwide, it is proven that under treatment puts the patients at risk with most common outcome being cardiac arrest.

The research is the largest ever conducted in India and analyses evolution of dialysis practices and current trends in India. The findings are a result of detailed study conducted amongst over 1,300 patients between January 2013 and July 2014 across 10 states (Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Delhi, Telangana, Jharkhand, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh). Out of the centres covered 84% were hospital-based centers and 16% were free-standing centers. Of these, 55%, 28% and 17%, respectively were in Tier 1, 2 and 3 cities.

Elaborating about the research Mr. Kamal Shah, Cofounder& Director of Patient Services, NephroPlus who himself has been on dialysis for 18+ years said, “With more than 2 lakh people developing Kidney failure every year, kidney disease is one of the most chronic epidemics to affect the country, but it is widely neglected. While there has been some improvement with few of the state government’s coming forward and subsidizing the dialysis treatment, the situation calls for greater participation from state and central governments and also large employers”

“Throughout the world, dialysis is reimbursed by Government since it’s a very costly chronic treatment. I have seen thrice a week modality and much better compliance with medications when either their employer or a Government scheme pays for dialysis treatment. Adoption of innovative models such as public private partnership can definitely make dialysis accessible, affordable and thereby improves the clinical outcome in the country. “added Dr. Umesh Khanna, Chairman, Mumbai Kidney Foundation.

One other key finding of the research is

Regional wise Percentage of patients on thrice a week dialysis

From zonal perspective with only 14% of the patients undergoing the required 3 session per week, North India presented a very dismal picture. However, the patients in the southern region were better informed and were more compliant. Around 33% of the patients in the southern region are undergoing 3 sessions a week far better than the national average of 28%.

A comprehensive study, the research not only highlighted the treatment pattern it also threw light on the quality of treatment. As per the report, around 16% of the dialysis patients across the country were affected by Hepatitis C calling for better quality treatment facilities across the country. Hepatitis C is one of the most dangerous cross infections that dialysis patients get infected. In fact, majority of people with Hepatitis C will proceed to liver cirrhosis necessitating a liver transplant further deteriorating the health and causing early mortality among dialysis patients. Strict implementation of infection prevention protocols combined with clinical audits are the only solutions to contain the spread of cross infections.  CCI Newswire