ILAMED live online session on Dermal Fillers by Dr. Ajay Rana


Expert faculties providing online training to enhance the skills of students …

New Delhi, May 16, 2020: In the series of LIVE online sessions of Institute of Laser and Aesthetic Medicine (ILAMED), an interesting session on Dermal Fillers by Dr. Ajay Rana, a world renowned Aesthetic Medicine Expert and Founder & Director of ILAMED has enthralled the participants with the content, his knowledge on the subject and the live demonstration performed during the session recently.

These online sessions are jointly organised by Indian Society of Aesthetic Medicine (ISAM), University at Greifswald, IPPC, Indian Society of Mesotherapy, D.A.L.M, Global Mediversity and supported by NATIONALES ZENTRUM FUR PLASMAMEDIZIN e.V.SMCME and Union Internationale De Medecine Esthetique.

Anyone who wants to participate in these live sessions can register and book their place by making a call at +91 7838606869 / 9650500965. For more information, please visit the website

“You have made a positive change in my mindset. Though I was doing small time cosmetic procedures your guidance and teaching has evolved me from confusion to conclusion. You have given a comprehensive outlook to Facial Aesthetics by teaching us to look at complete picture” said Dr. Rajesh Shivhare, FMC, Mumbai, who attended this live session.

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