ESIC to Launch its Hospitals and Dispensaries Website on Monday


Bengaluru, December 13, 2015:ShriBandaruDattatreya, the Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Labour & Employment is to launch the new website ofEmployees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC)on 14.12.2015. The new website will offer a host of hassle-free features to the ESIC Insured Persons and their beneficiaries. The ESI Scheme benefits about 2.03 crore family units of workers and over 7.89 crores beneficiary population.

Recent initiatives of ESIC

During the last one year, ESIC has launched many new and progressive initiatives aimed at empowering the entire gamut of its stakeholders, which has proved to be very effective. Aimed at Good Governance, as a part of Digital India, ESIC has launched E-Governance Project to bring efficiency, transparency and accountability in its various operations. Introduction of various online services, launching of IP portal, Employer Portal, Integration of the Inspection Scheme of ESIC with ShramSuvidha Portal of the Ministry of Labour& Employment, introduction of online payment of ESI Contribution, facility for online grievance redressal etc. are some of the notable initiatives.

For providing better and improved services, the ‘ESIC 2.0: HEALTH REFORM AGENDA’ was launched on 20th July, 2015. The salient features of the Health Reform Agneda areonline availability of Electronic Health Record of Insured Persons and their family members; change of bed sheet every day in all ESIC Hospitals according to VIBGYOR pattern under operation Indradhanush to maintain hygiene and cleanliness; evening OPD form 3PM to 5 PM in ESIC hospitals for Sr. Citizens and disabled persons and Medical Helpline 1XXX-XX-3839 for emergency and seeking guidance from casualty /emergency wing of ESIC hospitals. Under theHEALTH REFORM AGENDA’ , over 73 lakhs discrete e-Health records have been generated till date which has enabled the IPs and their family members to view e-prescriptions and investigations/ tests reports online.

ESIC is making all out efforts to bring ESI coverage in the uncovered areas and to bring more and more factories/ establishments and Insured Persons under the ambit of ESI Scheme. As a part of this the North-Eastern States of Mizoram, Manipur and Arunachal Pradesh and Union Territory of Andaman & Nicobar Islands will be brought under ESI coverage with effect from 31.12.2015. The latest decision taken is bringing the construction site workers under the purview of ESI Scheme. The mission of ESIC is to extend ESI Coverage to the remaining 393 districts of the country by 1.4. 2016. Efforts are also on to upgrade ESI Dispensaries and to start appropriate cancer detection/ treatment, cardiology treatment and dialysis facilities, Yoga facilities in all ESI Hospitals, and also to extend AYUSH facilities at the dispensary level etc.

ESI Scheme in India

The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation is a pioneer Social Security organization providing comprehensive social security benefits like complete Medical Care and a range of Cash Benefits in times of need such as employment injury, sickness, death etc. The ESI Act applies to premises/precincts where 10 or more persons are employed. The employees drawing wages up to Rs. 15,000/- a month are entitled to health insurance cover and other benefits, under the ESI Act. The Act now applies to over 7.23 lakh factories and establishments across the country, benefiting about 2.03 crores family units of workers. As of now, the total beneficiary population of ESI Scheme stands over 7.89 crores. Ever since its inception in 1952, the ESI Corporation has, so far, set up 151 Hospitals, 1459/188 Dispensaries / ISM Units, 812 Branch/Pay Offices and 61 Regional & Sub-Regional/Divisional Offices.

Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)