Baxter Advances Clinical Practice of Intravenous (IV) Therapy with Launch of Plasma-Lyte A in India



Bangalore, December, 06’2013 – Baxter India Pvt. Ltd. (MD Anish Bafna, a subsidiary of global healthcare company, Baxter International Inc. (NYSE:BAX), announced the launch of Plasma-Lyte A (pH 7.4), a physiologically balanced crystalloid solution, having similar electrolyte constitution to that of blood plasma. Plasma-Lyte A advances the clinical practice of IV Therapy in India for critically ill patients especially in the ICU where the selection of the right IV fluids can help avoid complications, morbidities and mortality1, 2.

Plasma-Lyte addresses these clinically unmet needs and issues, bringing a balanced solution with sodium, potassium, magnesium and chloride levels similar to plasma7. The absence of calcium in the solution means, it can be administered before, during or after blood transfusion 6. Plasma-Lyte does not exacerbate metabolic acidosis, nor does it complicate the evaluation of metabolic acidosis 13. Plasma-Lyte reduces the risk of hyperchloremic acidosis compared to those receiving normal saline and does not adversely affect acid base status 1,2,3,4,5,8


Currently administered IV fluid therapies in India include Colloids (6% hydroxyethyl starch, albumin) and Crystalloids (Ringers Lactate, Ringer’s Acetate, Normal Saline). Fluid resuscitation with normal saline encompasses high levels of sodium and chloride and can result in detrimental clinical outcomes by causing hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis, reduced renal perfusion, and immune dysfunction, especially in major surgery1,5 .Some otherbalanced crystalloid solutions like Lactated Ringer’s solution cannot be co-administered with citrate preserved blood, as the calcium affects the anticoagulant properties of citrate 6. Large volume infusion of Ringer’s lactate can also lead to complications of hyponatremia and acidosis as seen during major spine surgery9.


Hydroxyethyl starch (HES), a commonly used colloid in fluid therapy in critically ill patients, is associated with serious safety issues leading to increased need for renal replacement therapy, increased mortality and higher risk of kidney dysfunction 10, 11.

Dr. Ashok Moharana, Director, Medical Affairs, Emerging Asia says, “Studies show that 17% of post-operative patients develop morbidity directly related to fluid prescription and errors in fluid prescription common in hospital practice,are a major safety concern3,4. Plasma-Lyte A is a physiologically balanced electrolyte solution that addresses the unmet medical need of having a fluid that has similar electrolyte constitution to that of plasma7. This will help to optimize standards of care in clinical practice of IV fluids therapy in India, thereby improving clinical outcomes in patients care.

Plasma-Lyte is currently available in 38 countries. CCI Newswire