NEW DELHI , August 29, 2023: The family of 58-year-old Mr. Suresh Ji, who was declared brain dead at HCMCT Manipal Hospital, Dwarka took the brave decision of donating his liver, kidneys and corneas on Tuesday, 29th August 2023. Mr. Suresh Ji was at work on 26th August when he fell unconscious. His colleagues found that he had no pulse. One of his colleagues gave him CPR and he was immediately rushed to the hospital. The CPR was continued in hospital’s Emergency, the patient was revived but he did not regain consciousness. A CT scan was conducted, revealing a significant brain hemorrhage as the underlying cause. Despite the best efforts of doctors his condition continued to deteriorate, and he was declared brain dead on 28th August.
National Organ & Tissue Transplant Organization (NOTTO) then quickly allotted the organs as per their waiting list. One kidney was allocated to a 29-year-old male patient at `Manipal Hospital, Dwarka and the other was allocated to a 60-year-old patient at Asian Institute of Medical Science, Faridabad by the liver was allocated to a 59-year-old patient at Max Hospital, Dwarka. A green corridor was created on 29th August at 8:06 AM by Delhi police from HCMCT Manipal Hospital, Dwarka to Max Hospital, Vaishali. Both the corneas were also retrieved by the eye bank.
Dr. Anurag Saxena, Head of Neurosurgery, HCMCT Manipal Hospital, Dwarka said, “After stabilisation of his condition an urgent CT scan was done which revealed that he has suffered from a massive brain hemorrhage after which he was put on ventilator. Despite intensive treatment under the care of Neurosurgery and Critical Care teams, he could not recover and was declared brain dead on 28th August 2023.”
Dr. (Colonel) Avnish Seth VSM, Head, Manipal Organ Sharing & Transplant (MOST) said, ‘The team worked closely with the patient’s family, providing them with the required information and support so that they could make an informed decision. The family was very keen to donate all his organs. However, the lungs and heart could not be retrieved as they were unfit for transplantation. The liver and kidney were retrieved by our hospital team and transported for a successful transplantation. The family saved the life of three patients in critical condition and gave the gift of sight to two others.”
Ms Viji Varghese, Director, HCMCT Manipal Hospital, Dwarka said, “The family’s decision to donate organs made a difference in the lives of others. The legacy of the donor will live on through the lives he has saved. Donating one’s organs is a gift of life, it is an opportunity to give someone else a second chance in life. We strongly encourage everyone to think about organ donation and to register as an organ donor. We can save lives if we work together.”
There is a wide gap between patients who need transplants and the organs that are available in India. 1.8 lakh people suffer from renal failure every year, however only 15,000 renal transplants are done. An estimated 25,000 to 30,000 liver transplants are needed annually in India but only about 2000 are performed. Similarly, of several thousand who suffer from heart failure, only 200 get a heart transplant. In the case of Corneas, about 25,000 transplants are done every year against a requirement of 1 lakh.[1]
The noble act of organ donation highlights the pressing need for organ donations in India, as there is a significant disparity between patients awaiting transplants and the availability of organs. Increasing awareness and participation in organ donation can bridge this gap and offer hope to countless lives in need.
Corporate Comm India (CCI Newswire)