A word of caution for the general public on behalf of Apollo Hospitals!


New Delhi, September 01, 2020: It’s been brought to our notice that some unscrupulous elements in the disguise of being Apollo Hospitals’ HR are soliciting applications from potential candidates for hiring and are conducting fake telephonic interviews for various medical and non-medical positions. They are issuing Appointment letters to such candidates on behalf of Apollo Hospitals on letter heads replicated to perfection with forged signatures of officials. The appointment letters shared have bank account details asking candidates to deposit a certain amount for background verification.

Apollo Hospitals has nothing to do with such fake job offers and the company advertises all its vacancies only through reputed newspapers and on its official website https://www.apollohospitals.com/careers/index.html.   

All prospective aspirants are hereby requested to exercise caution and not be misled by such fake job offers. They are hereby warned to report such fake and suspicious offers to the concerned authorities. Apollo Hospitals is taking appropriate steps and bringing the matter into the notice of the authorities for investigation and necessary action.   

For clarifications about the authenticity or otherwise of such communications, which you may receive, please get in touch with Head Human resources at notifyhr@apollohospitals.com. The aforesaid email id is only for the purpose to notify grievance/complaints on fraudulent recruitment.  

Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)