Better India Healthcare Awards, 2018


“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. – World Health Organization.

AND THEREFORE it is very important to recognize and celebrate best practices and excellence in healthcare sector so that it not only motivates the cultivator but also help others to make more efforts to increase quality and standards. These recognitions highlight, recognize and reward their ability to steer their objective through turbulent times, apply the best of the professional modules to manage and keep their missions afloat. These awards, as a hallmark of excellence are not only a defining moment for the winners, but also intend to inspire others towards bigger and better achievements.

The Better India Healthcare Awards, 2018 have been instituted by Today Research & Ratings Network to recognise and honor the Innovators, Leaders and Achievers of the healthcare fraternity for their excellence, reputation and exemplary work in the sector. The initiative is to felicitate individuals, organizations and institutions for their tireless efforts towards increased quality, safety and innovation in improving healthcare delivery at large. The Better India Healthcare Awards, 2018 are the authoritative awards giving recognition to those who have made a difference and created an edge above peers. The recipients of these awards are the professionals who epitomize strength, ingenuity, knowledge, foresight and who drive the growth of the healthcare sector with their vision and inspiration.