.Cabinet Approved setting of 58 medical colleges


New Delhi January 3rd, 2014:
The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) on Thursday approved the establishment of 58 new medical colleges which will be attached with the existing district or referral hospitals.

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare proposal that got approved, will lead to established of medical colleges by upgradation of existing district hospital in deficient States with intake capacity of 100 MBBS seats in each medical college. This will result in an increase of about 5,800 seats.

The Central assistance share will be of Rs 8,457.40 crore while, State/UT share of Rs 2,513.70 crore.

Rural water supply 

In another decision, CCEA approved the implementation of the rural water supply and sanitation project for low income States of Assam, Bihar, Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh with World Bank assistance over a period of six years till 2019-20. In a statement, the Government said that this project is expected to directly benefit rural population of about 78 lakh people.

“The total project cost of Rs 6,000 crore will be financed through Government of India [from the National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP) allocation – 33 per cent], State Government (fund sharing as per NRDWP guidelines – 16 per cent), beneficiary contribution (1 per cent) and external financing (World Bank-IDA funds – 50 per cent),” it said in a statement.

Leather Development Programme

In another decision, the CCEA has approved the Central Sector Scheme Indian Leather Development Programme (ILDP) for implementation during the period of the12th Plan period. The move is aimed at the overall development of the leather sector.

With a total outlay of Rs 990.36 crore, six sub-schemes including Integrated Development of Leather Sector, Human Resource Development (HRD), Support to Artisan and Leather Technology Innovation and Environmental Issues among others are being proposed.

This is in continuation from the 11th Plan period for implementation in the 12th Plan.Business Line