Career Options in Market for Engineering Elaborate Skilfully in Seminar.


New Delhi, December 9, 2015 : FIITJEE, Punjabi Bagh Centre’s Faculty has given tips in a seminar on “”Engineering as a Career Option” for 200 plus students of Class IX & X of International Bharati (IB) School, Rohtak. During this session the students got insight to the essential skills required to be successful in the competitive exam.

The objective of the session was to orient the students on Career opportunities in the field of Engineering, how to plan for studies from Class IX/X onwards, importance of various milestone competitive exams while in school, success parameters, time management, resource management, balance between school and competitive exam preparation, how to develop logic, IQ & reasoning approach through science and maths etc.

The session was attended by 200 students. One of the Student asked question on “how to deal with changing pattern of competitive exams” to which FIITJEE expert advised that to be able to do well in a competitive exam one has to focus on the fundamentals of a subject, logically think and apply reasoning skills to solve questions. Solving approach will never change, however it is imperative to solve test papers with varied pattern to be able to deal with any last minute surprises. So, pattern proof approach holds the key, FIITJEE ensures all its students are prepared in a pattern proof environment to deal with such surprises.

Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)