Celebrate this festive season with a Dazzling Smile


New Delhi, October 17, 2014
:- When it comes to festivals and weddings, Indians have a penchant for spending time and money on looking good. Be it dresses, the latest fashion and accessories or even cosmetic and beauty procedures, little is left unexplored in the quest to make the festival album memorable. But, as you plan your indulgences for the great festive season of Diwali, do you pay any attention to your teeth? Are you aware that your unclean, yellow teeth take away much from your personality?

We all have white teeth when we first start getting them. But a number of factors associated with age, along with years of drinking coffee and tea and smoking cigarettes cause our teeth to become yellow and dull. Some of us have a liking for the favorite Indian beetle leaf that is responsible for ruining many a white teeth.

Dr Sheetal Kapil, Axiss Dental, India’s leading multi-specialty chain of dental clinics says Clean white teeth give people more confidence. They add to oral hygiene and make the personality more amenable and healthy. Many people believe teeth whitening procedures are something only for the celebs. This is a misconception. We all smile, laugh and spend time in the company of friends and acquaintances. Yellow and unclean teeth are a major put off. Each one of us has the right to have confident and dazzling smiles. If your teeth are yellow and unclean, why not start this Diwali?

At Axiss Dental, the dentists take about 60 minutes to perform the teeth whitening treatment. This dental treatment involves bleaching of teeth using peroxide based solution. This peroxide solution gets amalgamated with the microscopic stains and gives the teeth their white shine. While such a procedure is being carried out, it is ensured that the lips and gums are covered with a layer to protect them from any undue damage. Due to the complexity of the procedure, it is made sure that the teeth whitening treatment is performed by professional dentists only says Dr. Kapil

Most people believe teeth whitening and beautification is just a cosmetic procedure more suited to the needs of the entertainment industry. But, it is imperative to know that it is also a preventive measure. It also helps clean up the teeth and remove early signs of disease. Moreover, a visit to a dental clinic for teeth whitening will also allow a dentist to have a general view of your mouth, teeth and gums to identify a disease that was hitherto unknown.

Having whiter teeth tends to improve self image and gives a person a renewed sense of self confidence. And when it is done ahead of the festive season, it can add to the overall feel good factor. If you have grown up looking at picture perfect smiles of Bollywood men and women and believed their perfectly gleaming teeth are just for celebs, get a reality check. You can have a dazzling smile too!

The procedure, however, is strictly for adults and teenagers are not recommended it.At Axiss Dental, we make sure that you get the teeth whitening treatment done by the best professional dentists in one of India’s best dentistry clinic. Our centers in Delhi, Faridabad, Gurgaon, Ludhiana, Ghaziabad, Noida, Jalandhar, Mohali, Indore, Patiala and Bangalore have the best facilities. CCI Newswire