Electronic Health Records


New Delhi, January 08, 2018: The Health Ministry has notified Electronic Health Record (EHR) Standards Version 2016 for India in December 2016 (whilst the earlier version of EHR Standards was notified in September 2013) with an intent to bring standardisation and homogeneity, inter-operability in capture, storage, transmission & use of healthcare information across various Health IT systems.

Efforts are being made with the healthcare providers and other stakeholders for adoption of these standards. All the States/UTs Government have also been advised to adopt the EHR Standards in all the IT applications in healthcare with support under National Health Mission.

With the advent of the envisaged system of EHRs of citizens in an inter-operable manner pan-nation, online availability and accessibility would be ensured. This would facilitate continuity of care, better health outcome and better decision support system and is expected to help in reducing expenditure on avoidable repetitive and similar diagnostic tests.

The Minister of State (Health and Family Welfare), Smt Anupriya Patel stated this in a written reply in the Lok Sabha here today.