First response to road crashes


By Dr. Shailesh Shetty S, Sr. Specialist – Emergency Medicine, Aster CMI Hospital, Bangalore

Being in the emergency department we get to see many cases where I strongly feel that, if the people around were trained in first aid, we could have easily avoided serious damages or even saved precious lives. In all kinds of trauma like falling from a height or a road traffic accident, one of the risks that comes along with, is that of a cervical spine injury where, the way a victim is handled post the mishap, is very important. If the victim is moved without immobilizing (fixing) the spine, it can lead to lifetime paralysis or even be fatal thus playing a significant role in the quality of rest of his life.

In case of a limb fracture as a result of a road crash something as basic as stabilizing the limb with whatever is available at the disposal like newspaper rolled up or cardboard acting as splint can go a long way in saving the limb till the time they reach the hospital. An ambulance takes 10 minutes on an average to reach an accident victim and being trained in First aid will give you the power to handle those initial crucial minutes. This should be made accessible to all.

Corporate Comm India(CCI NewsWire)