Global HandWashing Day – Handwash is as important as Vaccines


New Delhi, October 15, 2020: Hand washing has been a hygiene exercise recommended since ages. The link between hand washing and spread of diseases was established almost two centuries ago and has remained as a major force in limiting the spread of deadly diseases specially influenza like illnesses and diarrhoea / diolera. But recently, COVID-19 has reinforced its extreme importance. It has again drawn our attention to this very simple but extremely effective of controlling a deadly infectious disease. This routine and simple exercise of washing hands has now become as important as vaccine. One can be sure of keeping a virus like COVID-19 at bay by adopting this simple yet extremely important habit.

This year, people have truly realized the importance of celebrating this day and how it has brought about a major change in our lives. Being a doctor and Head of Preventive Health, hand washing is one of the most vital lifestyle habit that I advise my patients to adopt in their lives especially given the COVID scenario. By exercising this, respiratory and intestinal diseases can be reduced by upto 25-50%.

How can this vaccine be put to use!

By following a few simple steps of hand hygiene, we can reduce the risk of contracting various bacteria and viruses and thus save one’s life:

Wet your hands with clean water and apply soap

Rub your soapy hands together and clean palms, back of the hand, between fingers and the nails

Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds

Rinse your hands fully under clean and running water

Dry your hands using a clean towel or hand dryer

Children especially below the age of 10 years are playful and don’t understand the importance of hand washing before eating and after playing. Being parents, it is our responsibility to teach them the basics of hand wash. Here are the few tips for parents:

Be patient– It takes time for children to get the habit of hand washing with proper steps

Remind frequently– Children will wash their hands if dirt is obvious, like finger paint or mud etc. but they skip to wash away germs that can’t be seen. So, parents should keep reminding them to wash hands before eating, touching eyes, nose, mouth, cuts or scrapes and after going to the bathroom, playing with pets

Lead by being an example– Make sure to practice what you preach. Wash your hands along with your children so that they learn correct steps

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