Hairline International Ties up with KSWOA to Launch Trichology & Dermatology Helpdesks at over 300 Salons in the State


Celebrity classical dancer Vani Ganapathy unveils help desk

Bangalore, 28th August, 2018: Hairline International Hair and Skin Clinic has announced tie-up with Karnataka Salon and Wellness Centre Owners Association (KSWOA) today. This tie-up will see Hairline International setting up trichology and dermatology helpdesks at over 300 salons across the State that are members of the KSWOA. These helpdesks will facilitate Hairline International serving as a responsible partner to manage trichology as well as dermatology related issues for clients that visit the salons, as a supplement to the beauty services offered. Hair loss and dermatology help deskswere unveiled by Chief Guests – Ms. VaniGanapathy, Celebrity Classical Dancer& Ms. M V Savithri, Former Health Commissioner, Secretary Panchayatraj

Speaking while unveiling the Hair loss and dermatology help desks,Ms. Vani Ganapathy said, “I believe this will be a great way to ensure that more people from everyday walks of life have access to specialized care, but from the comfort of salons that they are familiar with and have an established rapport. I also see this as being beneficial to salons giving them the backing of a trusted name in trichology and skin care”.

Addressing the media at the announcement of this tie-up,Ms. M V Savithri, Former Health Commissioner, Secretary Panchayatraj, said, “Providing a connect between beauty services and the medical management of hair and skin care ensures that clients at salon have access to enhanced care that goes beyond beauty”.

Speaking about the launch of this tie-up,Dr. Bani Anand, Founder and Managing Director, Hairline International said, “Salons are often the first point of contact for beauty requirements as well as for minor hair related issues that commonly arise. This tie-up with KSWOA will help salon owners provide their clients with medical based references and guidance to deal with trichology and dermatology related issues, ensuring that care is not just beauty related but more. This tie-up will allow us to reach out to over 300 salons in a phased manner”.

Explaining how the association will work, Dr.Bani elaborates, “We will begin the launch of this tie-up in a phased manner. Salons will register with us and we will set up help desks, where a uniformed representative of Hairline International will act as a coordinator, providing basic guidance and information on hair and skin related issues. They will act as the common point between the salon, its clients and Hairline International to ensure that clients get the correct guidance on hair loss, its management, and therapy options”.

Speaking on this association,Mr.ManojPadikkal, General Secretary, Karnataka Salon and Wellness Centre Owners Association, said, “It is a pleasure to announce this association with Hairline International. This association will enable salon owners to provide additional expert services that go beyond those of basic beauty therapies. Having the support of expert doctors in the fields of trichology and dermatology will help create stronger and long term relations between our clients and salon owners, not to mention having access to medical management of hair and skin related issues”.

Elaborating on the various specialized services that potential clients will have access to via the helpdesks at salon, Dr. Dinesh Gowda, Dermatosurgeon, Hairline International gave a presentation on advances in hair transplant, including robotic hair transplant and scalp micro-pigmentation. Dr. KalaVimal, Consultant Dermatologist & Cosmetologist, Hairline International made a presentation on laser hair reduction and laser treatments for tattoo removal. Her presentation also included therapies for face lightening and removal of acne scars, stretch marks and the benefits of medi-facials, chemical peels and micro-dermabrasion. Dr. Premalatha, Dermato-surgeon, Hairline International explained therapies related to permanent cosmetic make-up, skin and hair DNA testing and its benefits in customization of therapies as well as the use of PRP for hair treatments. All of these presentations were made with case studies for better understanding.

With this association taking off, Hairline International will make available its entire range of services, investigative techniques as well therapies. In the longer run, salons will be equipped with hair DNA kits to enable a DNA based customized form of therapy for clients who may require it. As a future plan, once the establishment of helpdesks is seamlessly done and running smoothly, there are plans to rope in financial organizations to help salons create packages that are financially viable for their clients. This may be in the trichology as well as dermatological spheres.

Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)