Harish Rao, Minister for Finance, Govt of Telangana, inaugurates 100 bedded JITO-Corona Care Center


“Handle Corona patients with patience and humanity. Currently, such a situation is missing in many hospitals” : Harish Rao, Finance Minister

As most private hospitals fleece Corona patients, here comes a centre offering the most affordable corona care purely with the motto of service and humanitarian charging just Rs 28000/- to Rs 35000/- for 7 days package inclusive of meals, medication, basic kit, treatment and stay

JITO-Hyderabad Chapter turns Hotel into “JITO COVID CARE CENTER (JITO-CCC)’ and offers services for isolation and treatment for asymptomatic & mild COVID- 19 Patients

The JITO Corona Care Centre is permitted and approved by the Telangana State Health department

The facility is being set up on the humanitarian ground in association with Mahavir Hospital & Research Center and will commence its operations from 5th August

New Delhi, July 04, 2020: Amidst so much negative news here comes the good news. JITO Hyderabad Chapter turns Hotel Manasarovar The Fern at Chiraan Fort Club in Begumpet, Hyderabad into “JITO COVID CARE CENTER(JITO-CCC), offers services for isolation and treatment for asymptomatic & mild COVID- 19 Patients.

The JITO-CCC was formally inaugurated by Harish Rao, Minister for Finance, Govt of Telangana -accompanied by K. Prabhakar Reddy, MP and Kanthi Kumar, MLA.

Addressing the gathering Harish Rao, told doctors at JITO—Corona Care Center to handle Corona patients with patience and humanity. Such a situation is missing in many hospitals currently, he added.

Responding to the request made by Motilal Bhalgat, Chairman of Mahavir Hospital & Research Center to make Mahavir Hospital a Freehold so that they could construct a new building and expand, Harish Rao gave them an assurance to organise their meeting with Chief Minister and pursue the matter.

JITO a global body which works with a motto Seva, Knowledge and Economic Empowerment has inaugurated 15 such Corona Care Centers across the country. The 16th was inaugurated today. JITO plans to set up more such centres across the country.

Harish Rao who inaugurated the 16th Center in India described it as a need of the hour. Society needs more such centres. Our CM tells us to talk less and work more. The more we talk, the patients are more confused. Corona is invisible. So contracting Corona or not is not in our hands. The victims must not be discriminated. So he told doctors and nurses at JITO-CCC handle patients with care, positivity and good attitude. Handle with humanity. Good words used, confidence given to patients help them mentally and contributes for faster recovery he said.

Jain community is always at the forefront in taking up such projects, furthermore providing care in the most affordable cost, Harish said.

Addressing the gathering Motilal Bhalgat, Chairman of Mahavir Hospital & Research Center appealed to Harish Rao to give Mahavir Hospital a FreeHold on the land. Hospital is located on land on a long lease. The first 30 years lease expired in 2007 and the next 30 years lease will end in the year 2037. But, given the yeoman services offered by it to the poor, I urge Government of Telangana to give us Freehold on the land, so that we will construct a new building and expand current 220 beds to 400. We can pump in, raise money and make a huge structure with 1,50,000 sq feet constructed area. We are willing to invest anywhere above Rs 25 crore on such an expansion and if need be we will raise more money, he shared

Further, he added, Mahavir Hospital created 25 bedded COVID wing and if the need arises we will expand it to 100 beds, shared Mahavir Hospital Chairman.

Speaking on the occasion Narendra Surana said, JITO members risked their lives in setting up this care Center with a sole motive to make COVID care affordable.

The JITO-CCC will have three doctors and nurses 24×7 stationed in the premises itself shared Ashok Kothari who worked tirelessly behind this project. The idea behind this care Center is to provide affordable care. We are even willing to admit deserving poor for free on a case to basis and the need, he shared

Manoj Dugar, Chairman of JITO, Hyderabad Chapter said it is a community service project. We unitedly want to help fellow citizens in this hour of crisis. JITO has 15000 members all over the world he shared.

Jain International Trade Organization (JITO) is a worldwide body of Jains is committed to spiritual awakening to perpetuate the Jain principles of non- violence, noble charities among others for a peaceful world with compassion towards all living beings and as a result have a harmonious and a happy world informed Vinod Ranka.

As private hospitals fleecing patients, the victims of Corona are more terrified about going to hospitals rather than Corona. In this light of the background, JITO has decided to come and offer the most affordable solution.

The pricing is kept based on the affordability of the patients. The Package includes all meals, Medication, treatment & Stay

The JITO Corona Care Centre is permitted and approved by the Telangana State Health department

COVID 2019 has turned the world upside down. First, it was lockdown, job, business loss and now the probability of hospitalization. All these are put together are taking the toll on the people.

JITO Hyderabad Chapter decided to set up this facility on humanitarian ground in association with Mahavir Hospital & Research Center. JITO COVID CARE CENTER’ (JITO-CCC) will be formally functional from 5th August 2020 onwards

The JITO-CCC will function strictly adhering to ICMR Guidelines shared Dr Aarthi. It will only admit strictly Asymptomatic & Mild COVID Patients between the age of 15-55 years based on current COVID Positive Test Report. It will have an Emergency Backup arrangement with Super Specialty Hospital. It is equipped with an Oxygen Facility for emergency usage. Personal & Medical Kit will be provided on Admission. Round the clock Doctors / Nurses / Ambulance services, will be made available. All Day – In house Healthy Vegetarian Meals, Includes Breakfast, Lunch, Hitea & Dinner will be provided. In case if some need Jain food the same will be arranged on demand. Occupancy will be provided on a Single or Twin Sharing basis.

We are sure many people will find this as a god-sent opportunity. JITO knows only one religion that is humanity.

Nothing is more and nothing is less, shared JITO Hyderabad Chapter members presented

JITO’s COVID Care Centre will follow and meet all the systems and practices as prescribed under the ICMR guidelines for isolation and treatment for asymptomatic & mild COVID- 19 Patients.

Team of experts which includes Doctors, Nurses, Dietician and others (24/7) will be devoted to assisting in the speedy recovery of a patient, without compromising on the basic tenets of treatment practices and requirements.

JITO Advisors—Narendra Surana, Ashok Kothari, Surender Bantus, Motilal Bhakghat; Core Committee Members—Gautam Bhansali, Basant Bafna, Goutam Sehlot, BL Bhandara, Arvind Srimal, Manoj Parmar, Ashok Vajavat, Ashok Barmecha, Vinod Ranka and Sub Committee—Anil Anchaliya, Jitender Doshi, Jitender Lunia, Umesh Bagrecha, Hitesh Vanigota, Arvind Seth; JITO HYD Chapter office bearers—Manoj Dugar, Mahesh Golecha and Jayant Jain grace the inaugurated function.

Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)