Health Minister chairs high level review meeting on control of vector borne diseases


New Delhi, April 27, 2018: Shri J P Nadda, Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare, held a high level meeting to review the preparedness of the Ministry for prevention and control of vector borne diseases like kalaazar, dengue, malaria and chickungunya in the country, here today. During the meeting, Shri Nadda directed the officials for mounting aggressive IEC campaigns to enhance awareness on prevention and control of vectors before the season starts.

Smt. Preeti Sudan, Secretary (Health), and other senior officers of the Union Health Ministry, National Vector-Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP) and National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) were also present in the meeting.

At the review meeting, Shri Nadda stated that he will speak to the Health Ministers of the endemic States to ensure that they are prepared with all the necessary medicines, kits etc. He further said that he will also ask them to take up aggressive IEC in their states.

Shri Nadda also asked Secretary (Health) to speak to the State Health Secretaries to gear up for the prevention and control of vector borne diseases. The Health Minister further directed the officials and Nodal officers to visit kalaazar endemic States of Jharkhand and Bihar immediately and report to him by next Wednesday.

ShriNadda also directed the officials to organise and complete the Training of Trainers (ToT)for ventilator management for 125 doctors for management of H1NI cases, well in time.