Health Ministry organizes ‘Anemia Test & Treat’ Camp at Nirman Bhawan


New Delhi, November 20, 2018: A ‘Test and Treat’ camp for anemia has been organised at NirmanBhawan for ten days.  The objective of this camp is to generate awareness in community regarding anemia. Facilities of hemoglobin testing and nutrition counselling will be provided at the camps by National Centre of Excellence and Advanced Research on Anemia (NCEAR-A). Nutrition counselors from National Centre of Excellence and Advanced Research on Diets (NCEAR-D, Lady Irwin College) and Centre for acute malnutrition (Kalawati Saran Children’s Hospital) will also provide nutrition counselling to the participants. People identified to be mild/moderate anemic will be provided oral IFA supplementation and counselling; and those found to be severely anemic will be referred for management at higher centres.

SmtPreeti Sudan, Secretary (Health), inaugurated the Anemia Test & Treat camps at NirmanBhawantoday, in presence of ShriManojJhalani AS&MD (NHM) and SmtVandanaGurnani, Joint Secretary. The camps are being organized as part of ‘PoshanMaah’ being observed during the month of September.

The month of September 2018 has been declared as ‘PoshanMaah’ with the objective to reach every household with the message of nutrition. This is a multi-sectoral convergence activity by various Ministries and departments and various activities are to be carried out from National to village level. The key stakeholders Ministries are MoWCD, MoHFW, MoRD, MoHRD and MoDW&S. The audience of this Jan Andolan strategy is people among whom change is intended, those who influence primary participants to adopt change and those who create a supportive environment.

A total of 10 priority themes have been identified to improve health and nutrition in the community and these are (a) antenatal care (b) optimal breastfeeding (c) complementary feeding (d) full immunization and vitamin A supplementation (e) anemia prevention control (f) growth monitoring (g) food fortification (h) diarrhea management (i) girl education and age of marriage (j) hygiene, sanitation and safe drinking water.

In order to convey the above thematic messages, various platforms are to be utilized. These platforms could be in the form of engaging celebrity, influencers and local leaders, Village Health and Nutrition Day, gram sabha, community-based events, nukkadnatak, wall paintings, television, radio beside conducing meetings, seminars and workshops and home visits to families with newborn.

As per the action plan proposed by MoHFW, it has been decided that AIIMS, New Delhi along with six regional AIIMS (Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Uttarakhand) will be carrying out test and treat anemia campaign in their field practice with support of State Government and UNICEF, focused on Women of Reproductive Age (15-49 years) and under-five children.

The month-long campaign will be undertaken in collaboration with State health system under National Health Mission.