” Nanotechnology: Disruptive Technology Shaping the Future “
The 6th International Conference on Nano Science and Nanotechnology 2019 – (ICNSNT 2019) invites nanotechnology researchers, nanoscience and nanotechnology investors, Nanoscientists, practitioners, policy makers, industry experts and members of professional bodies to send their abstracts for the conference. ICNSNT 2019 will be held from 12th – 13thDecember 2019 in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
This conference provides a wonderful opportunity for you to enhance your knowledge about the newest interdisciplinary approaches in nanoscience and nanotechnology. Moreover, the conference offers a valuable platform to create new contacts in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology, by providing valuable networking time for you to meet great personnel in the field.
website :https://nanoconference.co/