IETO President Mr.Asif Iqbal in discussion with St.Petersburg Chamber of Commerce in building bilateral relation between India and Russia


St.Petersburg, June 03, 2021: At one more step towards improving the bilateral trade relationship between India and Russia has been initiated by the Indian economic trade organization. Mr.Asif Iqbal the president of IETO who is leading a delegation of business and trade leaders to Russia has indeed been an instrument in building trade relations between India and Russia.

Mr.Asif Iqbal met the Vice President of Saint Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ekaterina Lebedeva to open up collaborations in the field of pharmaceuticals, energy, IT development, and the medical sector. The St. Petersburg Area Chamber of Commerce is focused on building a sustainable business with international collaborations. Chamber is also advocating at every level for those issues that change and protect the way the entrepreneur does business and lead on efforts to start a new business, expanding those already here and attracting those who can contribute to a shared vision to grow smarter.

Corporate Comm India (CCI Newswire)