Company Name: Ishita Drugs & Industries Limited
Address: 401, 3rd Eye II, Opp Parimal Garden, C.G. Road, Ahmedabad 380006 (Gujarat), India
Tel No: 91 79 2646 8353 / 7886
Email :,
Company Profile
Incorporated in 1992, ISHITA DRUGS & INDUSTRIES LIMITED (IDIL) is the flagship company of ISHITA group. IDIL is a public limited company, listed on the domestic stock exchanges (BSE and ASE). The setting up of IDIL was a major landmark in the history of the ISHITA group and is even today a key growth driver for the entire group.
IDIL is an ISO 9001:2008 certified company by AGSI. It has also been assigned a credit rating of SE2A by D&B, indicating high performance capability and high financial strength (D-U-N-S Number 65-018-0359.
IDIL is engaged in the manufacture of various Activa Pharma Ingredients, drug intermediates, fine chemicals and excipients. It has a state-of-art manufacturing facility, in terms of reaction capabilities, quality control and environmental safety. The plant has been designed and constructed to meet GMP norms. The plant is regularly audited and approved by various regulatory authorities as well as leading pharma companies, who are our customers.