. Mahesh Sharma Chairs 3rd Meeting of National Medical and Wellness Tourism Board


New Delhi, June 22, 2017: The Third Meeting of the National Medical and Wellness Tourism Board was held today under the chairmanship of Dr. Mahesh Sharma, Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Tourism and Culture here today. The meeting was attended by the Secretary, Ministry of Tourism Smt. Rashmi Verma, other senior government officials and members of the Board comprising of stakeholders in the travel and hospitality industry and experts in the field of Medical and Wellness Tourism as well as other systems of Indian Medicine.

In the Second Meeting of the Board held on 28th March, 2017, it was announced that comprehensive framework and roadmap on Medical and Wellness Tourism would be prepared and presented before the nation in time for the International Yoga Day on June 21st 2017. Following this decision of the Board, a Committee was formed under the chairmanship of Dr. H R Nagendra, President Shri Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana, Bengaluru to formulate a comprehensive framework and roadmap on Medical and Wellness Tourism. The Committee presented its report for adoption by the Board in which a standard framework for assessment and accreditation of all AYUSH facilities that cater to Tourism has been created. The institutions can apply online for self-assessment which would then be reviewed for accreditation. All organisations that are already accredited and/or qualified and/or certified by NAAC, NABH, ISO-9004, Indian Yoga Association (IYA), Center of Excellence (CoE), Organisations affiliated by Universities, Approved Integrative Hospitals and government AYUSH Institutions and Green Leaf / Olive Leaf organizations approved by Department of Tourism, Government of Kerala would be listed on the Ministry of Tourism website by 21st June 2017.

The Ministry of Tourism is also celebrating the 3rd International Day of Yoga through various initiatives:

  1. A 30 second Radio Spot promoting Yoga was developed and is airing on 17 AIR FM stations starting 14th June.

  2. A 60 second Television commercial promoting India as a land of Yoga has been developed. A month long TV campaign promoting Yoga is to be launched on Doordarshan network on 21stJune.

  3. A campaign promoting Yoga is running on all social network channels of Ministry of Tourism from 15th May 2017 to 21st June 2017.

  4. IDY 2017 posters and standees developed to be used by India tourism international and domestic offices.

  5. The International Day of Yoga was highlighted at the India stand at SATTE, Delhi in Feb 2017 and Yogshala Expo held in Delhi in June 2017.

  6. A group of 53 international guests comprising of tour operators promoting Yoga, Journalists and photographers, Yoga Gurus and opinion makers from across the globe have been invited by Ministry of Tourism on a familiarisation trip. The group will participate in the main IDY celebrations to be held on 21st June at Lucknow in which the Prime Minister is participating. The group will then visit various Yoga institutions and Wellness Centres in the country in order to have a first hand knowledge and promote India as a destination for Yoga in their own countries.

  7. The India tourism offices overseas are organising and playing a prominent role in the organising of International Day of Yoga celebrations in the countries under their jurisdictions. India tourism offices in India, Institutes of the National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology (NCHMCT) and Indian Institutes of Tourism and Travel Management (IITTM) will also be organising International Day of Yoga events.

  8. The private sector is also encouraging participation in Yoga Day events with Tour Operators planning special trips to Yoga camps and special Yoga Experiences for groups who are visiting on the Yoga Day.

The National Medical and Wellness Tourism Board was constituted under the Chairmanship of the Minister for Tourism in October 2015 to provide dedicated institutional framework to take forward Medical Tourism and position India as competent and credible medical and well tourism destination.
