Mallya hospital, No.2 Vittal Mallya Road, Bengaluru – 560001 Karnataka, India


Hospital Name: Mallya hospital

Address: No.2 Vittal Mallya Road, Bengaluru – 560001 Karnataka, India 

Tel. No: +91-80-22277979

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Mallya hospital is located in the heart of the Bengaluru city. Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba has inaugurated Mallya hospital on 6th June 1991. Thanks to Dr. Vijaya Mallya, the founder of the hospital. Mallya Hospital has grown over the years with substantial increase in bed strength, infrastructure and an assurance of quality patient care with human touch using state-of-the art technology with quality health care under one roof.

Today, the hospital is managed by Chaparral Health Services Limited with Dr.D.K.Audikesavulu as the Managing Director and Commodore Indru Wadhwani as the President.

Mallya hospital has to its credit as the first Multispecialty hospital in the country to received the coveted ISO-9002 certification award which has been recently upgraded to ISO 9001:2008. Further, it has also been awarded the prestigious NABH (National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Health Care Providers) certification on 18th July 2011.

In Mallya Hospital “Individual care to deliver the best results – that is what hospital focus at every step”. With the 360-degree care, patients experience the concept of Total Quality Management. The consultants and Nursing staff are not only just experts in their specialty, they are also driven by the vision of quality and commitment in giving individual attention for maximum treatment outcome. Mallya hospital is well known for its clinical skills, friendly ambience and motivated staff; patients who admit here leave with delight and fondle the memorable moments of their stay.