Measures to promote AYUSH Education


Bengaluru, December 12, 2015: The Central Government does not propose to set up undergraduate and postgraduate AYUSH educational institutions in all the States. However, the Government has approved setting up of (i) All India Institute Ayurveda at SaritaVihar, New Delhi to conduct Post-graduate and Ph.D. courses in Ayurveda and (ii) North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda and Homeopathy at Shillong in Meghalaya to conduct Under-graduate, Post-graduate, Doctoral and Post-doctoral courses both in Ayurveda and Homoeopathy.

Further, under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of the Ministry, there is a component of Development of AYUSH Educational Institutions under the National AYUSH Mission (NAM) where, there is a provision of grant in aid upto the maximum of Rs. 10.50 crore for setting up of new AYUSH Educational Institutions/Colleges in the states where such Institution does not exists in Government Sector. The grant-in-aid provided by the Government of India is supplementary to the State contribution to complete the project. Furthermore, there is a provision of assistance of Rs. 3 crore for Under-graduate (UG) Institutions and Rs. 4 crore for Post-graduate (PG) Institutions of AYUSH for upgradation/infrastructural development.

The Central Government has taken steps for the improve the quality of AYUSH educational institutions already in existenceby approving the regulations for Ayurveda, Unani Siddha and Homoeopathy colleges notified by the CCIM and CCH as per details given below:

i. The Indian Medicine Central Council (Permission to Existing Medical Colleges) Regulations, 2006.

ii. Indian Medicine Central Council (Minimum Standard Requirement of Ayurveda Colleges and attached Hospitals) Regulations, 2012 with Amendment Regulations, 2013.

iii.Indian Medicine Central Council (Minimum Standard Requirements of Unani Colleges and attached Hospitals) Regulations, 2013.

iv. Indian Medicine Central Council (Minimum Standard Requirements of Siddha Colleges and attached Hospitals) Regulations, 2013.

v. Homoeopathy Central Council (Minimum Standards Requirement of Homoeopathic Colleges and attached Hospitals) Regulations, 2013.

vi. Indian Medicine Central Council (Minimum Standards of Education in Indian Medicine (Amendment) Regulations, 2012 with further amendment in 2013 for Ayurveda undergraduate course.

vii. Indian Medicine Central Council (Minimum Standards of Education in Indian Medicine) Amendment Regulations, 2013 for Unani undergraduate course.

viii. Indian Medicine Central Council (Minimum Standards of Education in Indian Medicine) Amendment Regulations, 2013 for Siddha undergraduate course.

ix. Homoeopathy (Degree Course) Regulations, 1983 with amendments in 2003 and 2005.

x. Indian Medicine Central Council (Post Graduate Ayurveda Education) Regulations, 2012.

xi. Indian Medicine Central Council (Post Graduate Unani Education) Regulations, 2007.

xii. Homoeopathy (Post Graduate Degree Course) M.D.(Hom.) Regulations, 1989 with amendments in 1993 and 2012.

xiii. Indian Medicine Central Council (Post-Graduate Diploma Course) Regulations, 2010 with amendment in 2013 for Ayurveda.

xiv. Indian Medicine Central Council (Post-Graduate Diploma Course in Unani Medicine) Regulations, 2015.

xv. Indian Medicine Central Council (Post-Graduate Diploma Course in Siddha) Regulations, 2015.

Further, the assistance given by the Government of India under the component of Development of AYUSH Institutions of NAM is facilitating improvement in infrastructure in AYUSH Colleges and attached Hospital and thereby improving quality of existing educational Institutions.

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