Now Screen Your Newborn Baby To Protect From Congenital Hypothyroidism


Bangalore, Dec 10, 2014: In a recently released study by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Congenital Hypothyroidism affects 1 in 1172 newborn babies in India. This figure is highly alarming when compared to worldwide statistics of 1 in 3,800 newborn babies. In such a situation, it is extremely essential to screen newborns to ensure early detection & diagnosis of the disease. Trivitron Healthcare, India’s largest Medical Technology Company, pioneers the most cost effective ‘Newborn Screening’ tests in India.

‘Congenital Hypothyroidism’ is a condition in newborn babies that is caused due to the deficiency of thyroid hormones. In newborn babies, thyroid hormones are extremely important for brain development and overall growth. This defect cannot be pointed out unless newborns are tested for the deficiency. Indeed, most newborn babies with Congenital Hypothyroidism appear normal at birth, even if there is complete lack of development of the thyroid gland. This is because a small amount of thyroid hormone (T4) from the mother is transferred to the baby during pregnancy. Thus, ‘Neonatal Screening’ or ‘Newborn Screening’ for the early detection of the thyroid hormones deficiency is extremely crucial for all newborns.

Newborn Screening is a simple screening test given to the baby within the first 72 hours of birth to test for congenital metabolic disorders. It is an uncomplicated procedure & just needs the baby’s heel to be pricked for a few drops of blood. Trivitron Healthcare has launched these test panels with an aim to provide basic healthcare accessible and affordable to all.

Dr. GSK Velu, Founder and Managing Director, Trivitron Group of Companies , says, “Due to the lack of Newborn screening, we are not only exposing our children to Congenital hypothyroidism and irreversible mental after-effects but also a host of other disorders like Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, Glucose 6- phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, Beta-Thalassemia, Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia to name a few. Every newborn baby should undergo screening within 2 to 7 days of birth to ensure early detection and prevention of this disease.”

Untreated mild hypothyroidism can lead to severe neurological disabilities and growth problems and in severe cases it is often irreversible. Once a baby is diagnosed with Congenital Hypothyroidism, she is immediately started on thyroid hormone replacement. Most of the children with Congenital Hypothyroidism need to take thyroid hormones for the rest of their lives. Early diagnosis and adequate treatment from the first weeks of life result in normal growth and intelligence.

While, the essential service of ‘Newborn Screening’ is provided mandatorily to all newborn children in the US, UK and other European countries, the Indian Government has still not taken any steps for providing support to the screening facilities, let alone make it mandatory. Trivitron is proud of being one of the leading player in the world in this segment and has an ambitious plan to foray into other more esoteric testing, product line expansion as well. Trivitron Healthcare brings the 5 to 6 test panels at an affordable cost to patients using local manufacturing approach, while working towards making NBS accessible to all the newly born children in India.

Research suggests that early intervention can enhance the parents’ capacity to care for and teach their child, build advocacy skills, promote an optimistic view of the future, improve family quality of life, reduce stress, and enhance formal and informal supports. Thus, newborn screening not only allows for treatment benefits for children but provides access to supports and services that result in measurable benefits to families and society.CCI Newswire