Order Processing System in Pharmaceutical www.modeoforder.com


At this internet era ,Even as on today Pharmaceutical Distributors Receiving orders from Pharmacies by sales man or in telephone.

Looking at the traditional order processing system in pharmaceutical Distribution Hubli Karnataka based entrepreneur Bharamagouda Dalawai started researching to develop a platform two years back  After consistent research and development , a platform is launched for online  pharmaceutical order process between Pharmacies and Distributor  And Pharmaceutical Companies. That is www.modeoforder.com  India’s First Pharmaceutical order processing system, which is also filed for patent.


It not only allows their customer to send receive order it connect in many ways like in sending invoices ,in sending web messages, in sending payment reminders etc It’s like a Ultimate pharmaceutical distribution solution online.


How its helpful to Pharmacies?


1. Order Anytime, Anywhere & to Anyone 
Mode of order.com allows pharmacies to search & send order to anytime & anywhere to Distributors across India. They can use computer & smart phone to send orders.

2. Faster Product Receipt 
As mode of order.com gives platform to pharmacies send orders Instantly & Receive Invoices instantly Pharmacies are able to receive product in shorter time.

3. Receive messages 
Pharmacies can receive messages from companies & Distributors on offers, new product Introduction.etc.

4. Inventory management 
Mode of order.com is the first web application intended to serve pharmacies in product ordering & Inventory management at free of cost.

5. Many More.. 
We at mode of order.com constantly working on web technology to help pharmacies in various stages of their practices, coming soon with more useful applications and some inventory management web app at free of cost. As mode of order.com, gives information on pharmaceuticals products & updates. It reduces time of procurement & cost they can send their buying requirement remotely.


Benefits For Distributors!

1. Easy Update Product List 
Pharmaceutical Distributors can add products of companies They Distribute in few minutes. Distributor product list will be updated when companies add products automatically. Just add companies to your list be in touch with company you distribute

2. Receive Orders 
Distributors can receive orders online form pharmacies & their salesman instantly. At this Internet era, everything is online, Why not pharmaceuticals Distributors? Mode of order.com also reduces Telephone bill manpower& time paper etc.

3. Send Orders 
Preparing & sending order for pharmaceutical products No more bigger task, here Distributors can easily prepare & send orders to company in few minutes.

4. Send Message 
Today Online communication between pharmacies & Distributors is less or no compare to other Industries, Not due to Internet literacy, Its due to there is no such wonderful media available till now. Distributors can send customized & personal messages to Distributors using modeoforder.com.

5. Faster Product Delivery 
As pharmaceutical Distributors Receive orders instantly and at any time of the day mode of orders.com enhances the Distributions speed. Lets Run!

6. Send Invoices 
Pharmaceuticals Distributors can be able to send Invoices Instantly to pharmacies.

7. Supply Products Anywhere 
Mode of order.com drastically decreases the Distance between pharmacies & Distributors. If Distributors online they can receive orders from anywhere & supply. They can collect money at their bank accounts.

8. Send Report to Companies 
Sending sales & stock statements to companies &their marketing executives made easy. Now Distributors can send reports to marketing executives & companies easily by uploading once.

9. Receive Messages 
Mode of order.com is breaking barrier of online communications among pharmaceuticals professionals now they can exchange messages on offers, new Introductions etc.

How Its Useful For Pharmaceutical Companies?

1.New Product Introduction 
Mode oforder.com made easy to launch new product to pharmacies. & Distributors, It allows pharmaceutical companies to add new product, which updates list of products in Distributors.New product added can be seen by Distributors and pharmacies in few minutes!

2.Recieve Orders 
Now pharmaceuticals companies can receive orders from distributions online, Mode of order.com also allows their C&F & depot to receive orders the time.

3.Stock Estimation 
Mode of order.com helps to estimate products stock available in the market.

4.Receive Reports 
Now mode of order.com made simple in receiving reports of stock & sales statements. When Distributions upload reports companies & their Marketing Executive can download at any time, anywhere.

5.Send Message 
At This online era, communication of pharmaceutical industry online still not at its speed, Now Mode of order.com allows pharmaceutical companies to connect with their Distributors & pharmacies online. Now companies can send messages to Distributors & Pharmacies.

6.Track product flow 
Checking product flow of any product, Or new product was not so easy till date, mode of order.com will help you to track where product is ordered today & to which Distributors Now companies can find out which pharmacies placed order for their products to which distributor

7. Create Marketing Executive 
Companies can create login for their Marketing executive, which helps to receive statements & reports Also they can check product flow. Marketing executive of particular territory can login in modeoforder.com and start receiving stock and sales statements and check products flow of his products online.

8. Appointing Distributors 
Mode of order .com made easy for companies to appoint new distributors for unrepresented area and also companies will come to know who their sub-distributors are and how they are performing in selling of your products.

9. Environment Friendly 
Mode of order.com. Drastically reduces the Time. Effort, Money & Paper of Pharmaceutical Industry.- CCI Newswire